Don't Worry

Seeing his wife's concern, Lin Sheng's father assured her, "We'll head over now. Don't worry."

Worried about his mother's well-being, Lin Sheng added, "Mom, don't fret. We'll return with good news."

"Please hurry," Lin Sheng's mother urged. "Don't keep Old Master Jiang waiting."

Father and son departed together. As they left, Lin Sheng's mother stood by the window and watched them go. She whispered softly, "As long as you and our son are safe, nothing will happen to me."


In just a few hours, the Jiang Corporation swiftly acquired the Lin family's company without asking for any benefits beyond the formula.

The company's issues were resolved, and the burden on Lin Sheng's father was lifted. To their surprise, the Jiang family also provided a house and a car to symbolize Lin Sheng and Jiang Ling'er's friendship.