Contribute According to Ability

"Junior Jiang, you've misunderstood me," Qin Xiaoxiao stated earnestly. "Commendations are a form of recognition for your accomplishments."

Jiang Ling'er chuckled mockingly and retorted, "Are you sure? If I refuse to assist your Student Council now, will my yet-to-be-confirmed scholarship be revoked under various pretexts?"

Qin Xiaoxiao felt extremely uncomfortable and tried to clarify, "Junior Jiang, please don't misinterpret my intentions. I'm not suggesting that you have to do anything. I believe that it's heartwarming when everyone contributes according to their ability. It's not an obligation."

Jiang Ling'er smiled playfully and remarked, "You're right. One should contribute according to their ability. Unfortunately, your Student Council doesn't seem to have the capability. Why set such a high goal then?"

Qin Xiaoxiao was left speechless. Jiang Ling'er was not at all what the rumors had led her to expect.