Vigorous in Old Age

"What is it?" The Wu family's daughter asked with a confused expression.

Wen Mo said, "I heard that Chairman Wu did some 'exercises' with his secretary in his car, and he injured his waist before it even ended. When he went to the hospital, he didn't even have any underwear on. How should I describe him… Vigorous in old age? Moreover, Madam Wu also took revenge. She actually used her level-ten beauty to chat with other men naked, but because her breasts were not firm enough, she was thrown away. What should I say about this situation?"

The Wu family's daughter's face darkened. She said agitatedly, "This is all fake. It's all rumors. How could you believe in them?"

"Why not?" Wen Mo said innocently. "There are videos and pictures of it."

"It's all photoshopped! I guarantee it with my reputation!" She immediately replied.