Where Did You Get Evidence?

Jiang Ling'er looked at Li Yu in surprise. She asked, "What? You exposed that? Where did you even get the evidence? I'm surprised."

The original owner had been looking for evidence to frame Bai Xue, but she never got any useful ones. Moreover, Li Yu should still be overseas at that time this occurred. How did he get evidence?

He replied proudly, "Because I have a lot of connections! Who do you think spread it before this?"

Jiang Ling'er told the truth. "At first, I thought that it was those other hostesses in the bar who broke the news. After all, everyone isolated Bai Xue in that place. As a result, she still looks so pitiful and aggrieved now."

She paused for a moment before continuing, "But then I thought about it and realized that it didn't make much sense. If those people really had the ability, they would have taken action long ago. They wouldn't have waited until now."