Isn’t She Afraid of Lightning?

Wen Nuan agreed with Jiang Ling'er. She said, "Of course she's guilty. If the police go and find out that it's Bai Xue's fault, it'll be a slap in the face. She's really shameless. Isn't she afraid of getting struck by lightning for defaming those villagers like this?"

Jiang Ling'er drank the coffee in her cup, "Of course she isn't. If she was, you wouldn't have done that, would you?"

"Let me read you a few interesting comments," Wen Nuan said, holding the tablet.

She then swiped, looking at the comments and saying, "It's obvious that this is a setup. Didn't you guys notice? After all that filming, Bai Xue is the only woman."

"That's right, the rest are all men, and not a single one of them is young. Is it because Bai Xue can't afford to hire young men? Is that why she found a group of old people?"

"Bai Xue isn't the only woman. There's also her assistant, isn't there?"