Picking a Fight!

Zhou Jun had no choice but to give Yan Jin face.

"Director Yan, didn't you hear her words? She dares to say we're disorganized?" he said. "We put up with her crying and even cooperated with her for so long, wasn't that enough organization? After such a long time, she hasn't improved a bit, so how can she still cry?"

Pan Yueyue ran out crying when she heard this.

Sister Hong glared at Zhou Jun and quickly chased after Pan Yueyue. Her assistant followed suit.

"Since that's the case, let's just film my scene with Ling'er first. I still have to catch a plane later," said Yan Li.

He had no more time to waste here.

Yan Jin sighed and nodded.


An hour later, Yan Li left with his security and assistant.

Pan Yueyue also returned to the set under Sister Hong and her assistant's persuasion.

In about ten minutes, all the actors were in place.