
After Katelyn closed the door Steven and his two sisters held each other for a long while, savoring just being safe and together. They were safe, they were together, they didn't have to worry where they would get their next meal or which of their parents "friends" would stay over for the night. Steven knew that as long as they were in that room they would all be safe. He had also met many people who seemed to genuinely care about him, people that made him their concern. He had never met anyone there before in his life but he could tell they would protect him and his sisters, even Harrison and Louise whom he had met only briefly. Every single person he had met since he woke up in the back of that van made him feel safe. It wasn't a feeling he was used to, hence the reason he and his sisters were in no rush to leave their quarters. Since they were in no hurry to leave they began to look around their quarters, one bedroom had two each of beds, end tables and desks. The other bedroom had only one of everything and a small sofa in front of the bed, Steven looked at the sofa and figured he had just found his bed after the girls fell asleep in his actual bed. The thought brought a smile to his face.

Both bedrooms had lamps on the desks and a small fireplace built into one wall. There were also small rock lights embedded in the ceiling with a retractable shade to dim the light. Back in the living room there was a small table with four chairs around it in the center of the room as well as two couches and several bookcases filled with books. The lower shelves were filled with kids storys and coloring books and art supplies, the upper shelves had novels for children and young adults and some educational books and brochures as well. Many of them had to do with underground excavation and geological surveys. On the table was a small book simply titled "Sanctuary", upon inspection Steven realized it was a book to teach new arrivals about their new home. It spoke of factions within the community and what would be expected of them if they decided to stay.

He had already decided he wanted to stay, he had never seen anything like Sanctuary, it seemed more like a fairy-tale then anything else he had ever experienced. He knew that his sisters wanted to stay as well, they had taken to Katelyn immediately, she was the first person that was kind to them without their own agenda. He wanted to do his part so his sisters would be able stay with their new found hero, so he got his sisters occupied with toys and books and sat on one of the couches to take a good look at the book.

The foreword began as follows "Welcome to Sanctuary a place of healing for some and for many others a place of service, where they find their true calling in life. If you want to help people in any capacity we can show you the way. We have factions that will guide you along a path of your choosing and be your family and friends along the way. If you are passionate about research and discovery then you may want to consider joining the Pioneer faction. The Pioneers are leading us into a new age of technology and discovery, constantly exploring the depths below Sanctuary and learning new things about our planet that the common people will never know. Pioneers bravely go into new lands or fields of research, they are the guiding light when it comes to the unknown. Each person becomes a Pioneer for their own reasons, some stick to the research and development aspect of it while others focus on discovering the unknown and forging a path through the darkness.

The path of the Pioneer isn't for everyone, some prefer a more direct approach. The Gallant focus on braving perils and protecting others, they often work side by side with the Pioneers to protect them in the field. They also compose our guard force and our military and conduct their own missions and exercises independent from the Pioneers. The Gallant must be brave and steadfast in times of strife, they must be fit and focused with high physical prowess and the presence of mind necessary to be figures of authority on a moments notice. Anyone who isn't capable of controlling their emotions will not advance far in their ranks. The Gallant are the swords and shields of Sanctuary, ready to attack or defend and risk their lives in the line of duty.

There are other rolls of service for those who feel that the Pioneers or Gallant would not be a good fit for them, the Visionaries are healers of the body and spirit. They are artists and cooks and doctors and teachers, they provide nourishment and healing for every part of a person and the physical, mental and spiritual food we need to thrive despite our hardships and traumas. Visionaries become leaders in the fields of art and culture, teaching our youths and adults alike and guiding us towards a brighter tomorrow. They must be capable of empathy, they have to feel what other's feel and connect to them easily, understanding their pain and suffering and helping them cope with the struggles that life throws at them. Above all a Visionary is a vast well of understanding, living and feeling life with their entire heart and pouring their soul into everything they do.

Those are the main three factions that hold the most influence here in Sanctuary but there are many smaller factions and not all jobs are faction related. If you join a faction you will be given the option of bunking with those who are also initiates of the same faction until you have the means to live independently if that is your wish. All people in Sanctuary are asked to provide for the common wealth of the people, only children live here for free and those who refuse to contribute to their community will not be allowed to stay. Even minor contributions are enough, not all people live and bleed Sanctuary but if you live here then you must be willing to share in our labors."

The book continued on describing life within Sanctuary and describing how to join different factions and where to find guidance for those who needed it. After reading for a little while Steven flipped back to the front of the book seeing that the author was Katelyn Strennis, after looking at the shelf he realized that many of the children's books and educational books were also written by her. Apparently she was an influential author there in Sanctuary, Steven wondered if she could be the same Katelyn that had become his younger sisters new hero. He knew that they were already in love with her and he didn't want to tell them his thoughts and be wrong so he kept it to himself. At least until the girls ran to the couch and shoved a book in his face, "Bubby look! Miss Katey wrote my book!" Sybel exclaimed while shoving her open book into his face opened to the last page featuring a picture of Katelyn.

"That's great Sybel, can I see your book?" Steven asked, looking for the author's full name when she handed him the book and sure enough. "She wrote my book too Sybel! I thought she might have, her name is Katelyn Strennis." Steven grinned while he told her, receiving a smile in return and giving Sybel her book back. It was a simple children's book with mostly pictures but about a little bird who had fallen from their nest and needed to find their way home.

Sybel took the book and ran back to the other couch to tell her sister while Steven looked at the clock realizing it was nearly noon and why his stomach kept complaining. It was near dawn the last time they had eaten, luckily they had food on the table. Steven went and sliced then all some of the cheese, which turned out to be a dark yellow cheese with a smokey flavor. He also cut them all some of the homemade bread and some of the meat which was a red beef. With the simple food they also had a glass of the spring water which was ice cold from the tap. Everyone seemed to be lost in their own thoughts when Sophie spoke up, "Steven? Can we ring the bell? I would like to go back to the cafeteria but I want someone to take us. I really want to tell Chris thank you again and see if he has anymore sweets." Her grin got big as she finished her sentence.

At those words Sybel lit up with enthusiasm, "Sweets! I want to go see Mr. Chris!"

"Of course we can but lets finish what we have here, I don't want to waste it." Steven replied. They sat and finished their food in silence, each lost again in their own thoughts. Steven sent them to wash up after they got done eating and went to wash his hands at his own sink in what was to be his room. Thinking the entire time about the three factions and itching to find someone to ask about them, Katelyn's book was very informative about what each faction looked for but it still left a lot of blanks to fill in. He was even more eager than his two sisters to speak to someone in the know and have some of his questions answered.

They all gathered in the front room again and Steven offered Sybel the bell to ring which she proceeded to ring enthusiastically. A young boy and girl promptly responded, they both appeared to be young teenagers, the girl spoke first. "How can we be of service? My name is Natalie and this is my brother Nathaniel, I am sixteen years old and Nathaniel is fifteen." She smiled as she introduced themselves, revealing a beautiful row of pearly whites with one front tooth missing and a swollen lip. They were both tall, over five feet six inches and thin with blonde hair and blue eyes each with striking features, well toned muscles and bruised knuckles.

Steven was impressed by their appearance, they were older and seemed to be strong. He guessed that they may have been part of the Gallant but since he knew so little he decided not to ask. "Hello, my name is Steven and this is Sophie and Sybel. We were gonna ask for a guide to the cafeteria and I have some questions I'd like to ask you if you don't mind.?"

Nathaniel laughed under his breathe, "They need a guide to the cafeteria, haven't they been before." It was hard to tell if he was being sarcastically rude or entirely serious because he spoke with a deadpan tone and scowled. Sophies and Sybels faces fell at this point, they had also had been impressed by the siblings appearances and now they stared back blankly at him. Steven scowled and placed himself in front of his sisters, prompting laughter from Nathaniel. Natalie scowled and slapped her brother on the back of the head which shut him up, "Don't worry about him guys, sometimes he likes to stir up messes just for his own amusement. Nathaniel its not always a good time for your stupid jokes, they just arrived here this morning so show a little common sense!" She snapped the last line at him like a whip which shut up his laughter for good, it was true that he liked to stir up trouble to have a good time but what he didn't realize was that they had only just arrived.

"I'm sorry to you three, you are right Natalie. I didn't know and I am sorry." Nathaniel sounded sincere when he apologized and continued while looking directly at Steven, "I'd be happy to answer any of your questions, I'm sure you have a lot of them."

"That's much better, now we should be on our way if we want to beat the lunch rush." Natalie motioned for them to follow her as she began to walk towards the cafeteria. Steven turned to look at his sisters who were giggling as Nathaniel made funny faces at them in an attempt to put them at ease and prove his sincerity.

"Do you still want to go girls?" Steven asked his sisters who nodded and smiled in response.

"Okay we're good to go and your very right, I do have a lot of questions Nathaniel. I read about the factions in Miss Kate's book but I didn't get a chance to finish it all."

"Well then if you like we can eat together and I can tell you all about it, we have been here for few years now so we know the ins and outs." Nathaniel said this with a sly smile and pulled Steven aside, "The girls can sit together at lunch, that will give me the chance to tell you all about what "Miss Kate" left out of her book, the fourth faction here in this big hole in the ground we all call home." He finished the sentence with a wink and then led the way towards the cafeteria as Natalie frowned, having overhead part of their conversation.