Night Terrors

"Tell me what I want to know Ratt, if your useful enough I won't "have" to kill you. What's the story on that bar, and on Bones. And who fuck were these assholes?" He asked as he pulled a man's leg out of Tiberius's mouth as he walked over and waved it to make his point before throwing it back to his faithful companion who caught it with a gruff bark. "Why the fuck are they with you? What have you gotten yourself mixed up with now Ratt?" He shook his head while standing over Ratt with steepled fingers but stepped back to allow him to stand up and tossed him a shred of clothing left errant on the ground after the recent slaughter. "Clean yourself up and help me with these corpses, they won't burn themselves." Sean Thomas then proceeded to scoop up the nearest body in a princess carry and walked towards the SUV parked behind his truck. He popped open the rear driver side door and unceremoniously tossed the body inside and then turned towards Ratt who had yet to get up. "Your hanging by a thread here Ratt, you either help me load these fucks up in the backseat or your gonna join them. What do you want the newspaper to say tomorrow? Seven? of eight?" He narrowed his eyes at him while he spoke and Ratt immediately jumped up and began to drag the nearest body in the direction of what was actually his SUV. "Sa ssa sorry man, I'm trying." Ratt was visibly shaking while he drug the body of a man he knew and had spoken to everyday for the past several months.

Sean Thomas wouldn't condone weakness in any form and was merciless, "I don't want to try, I want you to throw your fucking friends in your fucking truck. Now get a fucking move on!" Sean then proceeded to carry another body to the SUV and load it into the opposite side.

Ratt had picked up the pace as well, too afraid of displeasing his captor to do anything else. When there was one corpse remaining Sean looked at their handywork and then at Ratt. "You load up the last one while I pick up their weapons."

So while Ratt took care of the last corpse Sean picked up all the assault rifles and loaded them up into the SUV parked in front of his truck. When he was sure to have everything he went to the bed of his truck and came walking back with two gas cans that were full to the brim with gasoline and two large bungee straps. He sat everything down on the ground and opened the driver side door while turning to Ratt, "Get in." he said while motioning to the driver side.

Ratt looked terrified but he knew better than to run, Tiberius had seemingly disappeared but he was sure that he was out there in the darkness. Waiting.

He had never seen the giant wolf before that night, it was a mystery to him as much as Sean Thomas was but he didn't want to risk angering either one further. He knew Sean Thomas to be a fair man, most of the time, or maybe sometimes. Well he knew that he lived by his code and he felt like he hadn't done anything wrong, well not anything more than usual. He hadn't led the Dead Steel mercenaries there, they had pushed their way in against his better judgement. He didn't feel like that was his fault, he would have to be sure not to piss him off any further if he wanted to keep his skin intact and not end up like the chili bowl guy. All these thoughts passed through his head as he reluctantly got into the front seat of his own SUV full of the corpses of his recently former associates. He was trying to be optimistic about his situation when Sean's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Put your seat belt on and cuff yourself to the steering wheel."

Sean shoved a pair of handcuffs into his face and watched him carry out his orders in terror, looking back and forth from Sean to steering wheel rapidly, hoping beyond hope to be told to stop. Once he was done Sean checked his work and closed the cuffs until they bit into Ratt's wrists. Sean looked him right in the face, "You got anymore of that weed Ratt?"

"I in inside my coat pocket, lel left side." Ratt would have given him his left arm if he had asked just to be out of that nightmare.

Sean pulled a pack of already rolled blunts out of Ratt's coat where he had told him to find them and immediately lit one and began to smoke it. "Thanks a lot, I was needing that."

Sean then stepped back and grabbed a can of gasoline, "Alright Ratt, time to decide. What's the paper gonna say? Seven? Or eight?"

He then began to pour gasoline over the bodies in the back seat while Ratt babbled in horror which only intensified as Sean started to cover the passenger side seat with gas as well.

"Man these fumes are getting strong Ratt, you better hurry up and give me something useful."..

Back at the bar Bob called Nina into his office, "Nina! Get your ass in here!". He waited impatiently for her to get in there, he knew she was purposely taking her sweet time. But for once he didn't care, he was finally going to get what he felt was his due. Go ahead bitch, take your time.

Nina walked into his office and leaned on the door frame, "Yeah Bob, whats up?"

"I want you to shut down the bar early tonight, I've got some friends coming out for a private party and we want the place to ourselves." Bob had stood up and began walking towards Tina as she stood in the door frame.

"I guess I'm done then, only one guy left out there and he's already paid." Nina motioned towards the door with a waving motion.

"Well go send him on his way and lockup so no one else comes in." Bob shooed her out of the door and walked out into the front area that composed the bar as well. Following Nina as she walked to the front door and locked the bolt, that was when he made his move.

As she turned around he grabbed her and shoved her up against the door, bashing her head against it and then headbutting her without letting her go. He then threw her to the ground and began dragging her back to his office.

She began to come to and started to kick and scream for help, Bob turned around and kicked her. "Shut up you fucking slut. There's no one here to save you, no one is coming either. Well actually I will be but thats another matter entirely." He laughed heartily at his own joke and kicking her again when the customer who had allegedly left walked back into the main bar from the restrooms, Nina thought he had left.

"What the fuck are you doing, you can't do that man?" He was clearly shaken by the scene in front of him and what he had heard during the struggle and what Bob had said.

Bob just looked at him and laughed, "You've got to be kidding me, you dumb fucking prick. I'm not gonna let you fuck this up for me." Bob pulled his pistol from his waistline and put a couple rounds into the man's belly as he stood there dumbfounded.

Bob put the gun back on his waist and turned towards Nina, leaving the man to bleed on the floor. "Well what do you have to say for yourself bitch? This man is gonna lay here and bleed to death because you couldn't be bothered to check the fucking bathrooms. Are you proud of yourself you lazy slut?"

Bob kicked her hard in the ribs a few more times while she crawled on the floor hoping that someone could save her and feeling terrible for Eddy. Eddy was a regular who would come in and have a few drinks everyday and was always kind. He was always polite. If there was conflict he always would lend a hand. He had heard what was going on and had come to help, now he was bleeding on the floor and she didn't understand what was happening.

"Please Bob, please. We have to help him, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She was desperate and begging seemed like the only thing she could do, maybe he would take pity on her she reasoned, her mind desperately grasping at straws as she was overwhelmed by Bob's continued kicking. He had broken several ribs and it hurt her just to move so she had stopped struggling but was still mumbling on the ground. "Pplease, pppleaase."

Bob looked down at her with a cruel expression on his face, "You don't understand Nina, your already dead. I have to keep you alive until Bones gets here so he can question you himself but he said I could go ahead and get started without him."

Bob leaned over Nina and yanked her head up by her hair and forcing his lips against hers and his tongue into her mouth. "We're gonna break you in Nina, except we're not bringing you to stable. We're gonna have to take you to pasture afterwards, I'm sure you can figure out what that means right?"

Nina was terrified and embarrassed and disgusted by everything happening to her and around her. There she was on the ground, about to be raped in front of Eddy while he bled out next to her. If he said they were gonna take her to pasture then it meant they were gonna kill her after they were finished with her. She was attempting to crawl away when Bob forced her onto her back and began to hike up her skirt and force her legs apart. Her body was on fire from the rough treatment and her several broken ribs, unable to effectively fight back as he ripped away her clothes.

Devoid of her dignity and without anything to do as she was about to be raped by her boss in front of a dying man, she waited for Bob to lean over her and the she struck. Nina sunk her teeth as far into Bob's neck as she possibly could, desperate to buy herself some time to escape or call the police. She chomped down with everything she had and sunk her fingernails into his flesh at the same time in an attempt to keep him from escaping. As long as she held him like that he couldn't rape her, she hoped someone would save her before that happened. She knew it was a slim chance that not one but two people would come to her rescue but she could still hope.

Bob reacted violently to her biting his neck, clobbering her in the side of the head and then continuing to beat her senseless. "God! You stupid fucking whore!." With each word another blow would land on one side of her head or the other, as she fell limp on the ground she knew that he would have her way with her now but she embraced oblivion. Unable to escape her cruel fate in any other way she burrowed inside her own mind, running away from the craziness the physical world had become...

Bob was disappointed to see she had passed out but went ahead and stripped her nude. He then tied her up just to be on the safe side. She had taken a huge chunk out of his neck and much smaller but still very large chunks out of his arms with her fingernails. His wounds were burning as he turned towards Eddy, the bar patron who had originally interrupted Bob when he was beating Nina. He was still breathing and awake, he looked scared as he laid there dying, "I bet you wish you had just went out the door now you fuck. This should teach you to mind your own business." Bob then leaned down and shot Eddy in the head at point blank range, killing him on the spot.

Bones needs to hurry up Bob thought to himself, the shit is hitting the fan over here. He then turned to look at Nina's naked body as she lay tied up on the floor, he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and began to drag her into his office where he had a sofa. It had already been a long night and he wanted to be drunk for the rest of it.