Wee hours

"Gallant! To your feet!"

A booming voice rang out in the dead of night through the barracks. Thirty odd young men and women could be seen struggling to rise from their bunks, scrambling around and shoving boots onto their feet.

"Sir! Yes Sir!"

"Sir! Yes Sir!"

"Sir! Yes Sir!"

Multiple voices rang out in the near darkness exclaiming their readiness.

"Sir! Yes Sir!"

Natalie was very proud to be among the first to rise to readiness. She had slept fully clothed since boot camp and grown used to rising unexpectedly, they all had.

She stood at attention while awaiting command.

"Alright Maggots! Not half bad, you're only slightly slower than my grandma."

Troop Leader Fenris chuckled slightly at his own joke, some of the recruits smiled but they had all heard that joke at least a hundred times.

Fenris sobered himself, conveying to the recruits that this was a serious matter. Oftentimes, new recruits in the Gallant would be awakened for nothing more than to stand at attention for hours. But today, in the wee hours of the morning, they actually had a mission.

"I need a five man team for a surface extraction, all I'm at liberty to tell you is that one of our own is pinned down with an innocent. The mission, get in, secure the VIP's and get out, clean and simple. But each and every one of you knows that nothing is ever "simple" on the surface, too many variables, too many unknowns. Keep that in mind when volunteering, who volunteers?"

Natalie immediately volunteered as well as a dozen or so others, they stepped forward with a salute.

Fenris nodded his head at the group of volunteers and grunted.

"Okay boys and girls, who is the leader of your group? Defer amongst yourselves to choose a leader, that leader will then choose a team and meet me in the garage bay ready for engagement in five minutes. Everyone else, dismissed!" Fenris then turned on his heel and left the room.

For many these would be harsh requirements bordering on impossible but in the Gallant they were made to make quick decisions regularly and there was already an established hierarchy even among new recruits. It took them less than a minute to select a leader and determine who would join the mission. Natalie had more prestige than everyone there except Tobias so she became second-in-command behind him.

"Suit up and form up!"

Tobias snapped his first orders at them and stalked off to don his own equipment with the help of two other recruits.

Natalie and the other three recruits began strapping armor and weapons over they're uniforms. Grabbing any equipment they could think of, they had all done training ops on the surface but never a mission.

Within ninety seconds Tobias was standing near the door fully equipped, his armor was a kevlar cuirass with a polished metal breastplate. A crest in the center of the breastplate featured a sword angled diagonally across a shield. Around his waist a thick leather belt supported a heavy short sword and a high powered pistol. Kevlar gauntlets with polished metal plates adorned his hands and forearms.

Natalie and others joined him shortly after, all dressed similarly but with some minor differences.

"Let's go, people!"

With those words Tobias led them through the door and to the garage bay where Fenris was awaiting them in full gear.

In addition to the equipment the recruits carried he also had a short rifle on his back and a partial helmet with a glass screen covering one eye. He stood with one foot on the tire of a large panel van, a fierce grin on his face.

"Mount up troops! We're moving out!"

His voice boomed through the garage prompting Tobias to lead them at a faster pace, Natalie and the other recruits broke into a run.

Fenris had the side door opened for them so they could load up, the vans were spacious enough to easily accommodate all of they're arms and armor.

"Troop Leader!? Troop Leader Fenris!? Hold a moment!"

A sharp voice rang out sternly through the garage and the figure of a small woman could be seen marching across the loading dock. She wore a tight fitting garment that seemed to be a combination of a lab coat and a cocktail dress. It was not revealing in any way but was completely form fitting and very flattering on her hourglass figure. Leather gauntlets covered her hands and forearms while leather boots could be seen peeking out from beneath her dress as she strode to the van.

Fenris waited while she walked over to them, eyeing her on the way.

"Ma'am we're departing on an important mission from the council, this is no place for civilians."

"You are quite right Sir, but since I see none present let us be on our way. I am the council's representative on this mission, I am here to observe and assist."

She was standing in front of them now, smiling pleasantly.

Fenris shook his head and smiled back politely before straightening his face.

"Representative huh? Well, Miss representative let me tell you something. These recruits are more than just numbers to me, I will not endanger their lives for the whims of the Council or anyone else. Do I make myself clear?"

The woman's face flushed slightly right before she narrowed her eyes and responded confidently.

"My name is Katelyn Strennis and before you disrespect me further you should know I have been granted full authority on this mission. Your concern for your troops is noted, stand down Troop Leader."

She held out her hand for Fenris to shake, Natalie watched as he grasped her hand firmly.

"I stand by what I said, I will not sacrifice good people. The council may have put you in charge but I actually do this for a living."

He released her hand and started to walk around to the driver side of the van.

"I mean have you ever even run an op on the surface?"

He chuckled sarcastically while opening the driver side door which Katelyn caught in her hand before responding with just as much sarcasm.

"Actually, yes I have. Haha! Now move over. I'm driving."

Katelyn then slipped right past him and into the driver seat in a quick fluid motion.