Now I remember in Tadepalligudem our church associate paster I Avinash brother asked me to drop our church main paster daughter k shile Veronica in railway station.

They asked me drive bike I sad Can't drive a bike then his sister k Reethu Agnes came we went with her elder sisters luggage to railway station.

After few minutes train arrived and her elder sister was entered the train.

We are going back suddenly a monkey was came she caught my hand with fear after few minutes she left my hand and ran on the steps she fell on the steps with fear or dishonour in Telugu సిగ్గు on that time I sad her no one saw it get up after that she ran away.

After few minutes church celebrations started for carols Christmas she announced to wear black dress I weared black dress and went to Christmas function.

I started sawing her romantically in my dreams A certificate picture not to saw.

After few days she went to college and I as a common person I am in church after a small gap we are arranging church meeting on august Fridays,Saturday and Sunday.

she arrived to church again I saw her and felt happy after few days of preparation in church meeting our church youth members attending youth Sunday in Christ lutheran church Tadepalligudem before Sunday I have got a thought our family friend professor Gantela Prakash garu sad about love can't love I am strongly thinking about that word and I attended the church in morning and I attended youth meeting soon after service youth members asked me who you want to sing for the song with whom I sad Connie Talbot they don't know who is she and they are surprised meanwhile she also hearing curious and the matter ended slowly.

Thank you.