New Student?


"Uhhhhhrrrgh!!" Shōgo screamed out of bed.

"Hey why'd you pour water on me?" Shōgo complained as he barely saw Senshi's figure with a bucket of water beside his bed.

"Idiot, it's time for exercises , get up!!!" Senshi screamed aloud .

" Uhhhrrrgh, the rules are killing me, give me a break " Shōgo sighed and rushed into the bathroom.

After three minutes of silence and water splashes, Shōgo finally came out of the bathroom dressed in his uniform as Senshi had helped him and Mei get them the previous day.

" Let's go" Shōgo announced.

" Okay, I like your sneakers by the way " Senshi commented while he led the way.

* * *

" Ah, ah, ah,ah" Senshi panted as they ran along the dry road.

" Hey are you made of metal or a god gave birth to you, we've ran metres but you still feel like you've done nothing, ahh" Senshi commented as he panted.

" I guess it's just my thing " Shōgo chuckled.

" I don't believe that crap!" Senshi cried out.

"How many minutes until we meet the others? " Shōgo asked.

" They're right ahead " Senshi pointe ahead.

" Wow is this a tradition or rule?" Shōgo asked puzzled, just by staring, he could count 50 students ahead of them jogging both male and female.

" Well I'd say tradition since we just came up with the idea of jogging down to class every morning " Senshi replied.

" Uhhh I see " Shōgo smiled.

" Let's pace up or we'll miss lectures " Senshi announced and increased his pace while Shōgo followed suit.

* * *

After jogging for minutes, they finally came across a large building that said " OUTER COURT CLASSROOMS " and they halted.

" Wow, it's big " Shōgo admired.

", let's get to class " Senshi said panting heavily.

There was a lot of mumuring in the class as no activities were on, however, silence suddenly overtook the hall as a figure strolled in, he was a young man putting on dark sun shades. He was tall and exuded a calm aura, he had black hair and made no excessive movements, everything about him seemed to be natural.

"He's so hot" the girls commented as he strolled in.

'clears his throat '

"Morning everyone, I'm Daichi Hasegawa and I'll be Outer Court Third grade class five's supervisor" the figure suddenly announced.

'applaud' the whole class gave a round of applause.

" I'll go straight to the point today which is letting you know why you might me here.

Long time ago, our ancestors had a feud with beasts and it led to an all out war in which countless humans lost their lives. Well our ancestors won the war and the beasts escaped to another planetbut since then, earth has known no peace as beasts from that planet have been occasionally opening portals of which we take care of all the time, these portals have different benefits as well as dangers. Being in this school can only be with the sole aim of keeping our earth safe, that is what it was built for, there are numerous facilities for you to improve, so improve and become better. That's all for now, you can go about your daily duties, we'll continue tomorrow.Thank you" Daichi finished his speech and promptly left the class followed by a round of applause.

" Thanks you Supervisor Daichi" the class chorused.

After Supervisor Daichi left, the whole class became noisy again, it felt as if he never came in the first place.

" Shōgo " someone suddenly called from behind.

" Mei " Shōgo smiled and tilted his head.

" Who's that beside you?" Shōgo asked.

" Well her Kimura Haruki, met her in the dorms" Mei said jovially.

" Wow, she's like two hundred times more beautiful than you" Shōgo commented and took a good look at her again. She had red hair crimson eye balls and an attractive figure, she seemed to be the same height and Shōgo.

" Thank you" the lady commented.

'clears his throat aloud'

"How about we go cultivate?" Senshi suggested.

"Well that's a good idea, I'm in" Mei smiled.

"Okay do you want it manually or induced" Senshi asked.

" I think manual should contain action right" Shōgo asked.

"Well, I'll go manual" Shōgo answered after thinking a little.

"Good let's head out then" Senshi smiled and turned.

"Hey where's our destination?" Shōgo asked as they all left.

"The cultivation pagoda" Senshi replied.

"Wow, nice alias" they're voice slowly dimmed as they chatted along.

After countless buildings, Senshi finally halted on getting to a large building, a skyscraper, it was so tall.

"Wow, it definitely deserves that alias" Shōgo commented.

"Let's go in" Senshi smiled as Mei and Kimura chatted softly behind.

On getting in, they found a lady at the counter.

"Hi students, I'm Umi, how many we help you today" The lady asked.

"Well, we want to cultivate manually miss" Senshi replied.

"Alright please follow me" the lady gestured and took the left turn.

"After countless righors and left, they arrived at a room, and she opened it and went in, inside were countless cabins and there people in there both young and old with different personnel's watching after them.

" What is this place " Shōgo suddenly asked in a shocked tone.

" Well as a young and not to powerful student, you can't be allowed in portals, however we have a plane home to different beasts which you an cultivate with any slight chance of death and you'll be withdrawn from the place" Umi explained.

" Wow, can we try it now?" Kimura asked with enthusiasm.

"Yes it costs 24 points per day as a first customer" Umi replied and led them to four empty cabins she then clicked a button beside each of them and they opened with smoke coming out of it.

"Just lie in" Umi gestured and they obeyed.

Inside the cabin Shōgo didn't feel suffocated the slightest, he suddenly felt numerous wired plug into in body and his brain, then he started to lose consciousness and...