
Walking over to the boy's locker room, Lucian sighed.

'If I could have only done this ages ago.'

After beating Andrew so hard that the boy potentially lost his manhood, the rest of the boys in Lucian's class treated him like an incarnation of the plague.

Afraid that if they got too close…

They would meet a similar end.

Some of the kids in Lucian's class even started treating him with respect, albeit due to fear.

'Vampires were beings feared by humans in the past, so I'll take it. Perhaps this is my first step to becoming a true vampire,' Lucian smiled to himself.

Being feared a bit due to an accident was perfect for him.

Perhaps now he would finally be left alone.

While the medical staff were confused about how a simple headbutt was able to completely obliterate Andrew's pearls, after viewing the camera footage, they didn't see anything else.

They equated it to Lucian accidentally hitting Andrew at an angle that was lethal for his little brother.

While it did sound far-off, it was the best they could come up with.

In all their years of training, they had never come across a case like this one.

The whole incident was treated like a complete accident, brought about by Lucian trying to make a last-ditch effort to not get hit.

Meaning, that he would get away after breaking Andrew's manhood completely scot-free.

A perfect conclusion in Lucian's eyes.

He got to bust an annoying prick's balls and got to leave without as much as a slap on the wrist.

The only thing Lucian wanted right now was to thoroughly clean his head.

Coming into contact with another man's nuts was something Lucian did not enjoy.


His sacrifice was worth it in the end.

Ethan and James ran up to Lucian, as he opened the locker door.

"Man, you are absolutely brutal. Breaking a guy's balls isn't cool, no matter how much of a prick he was."

James shook his head in disapproval.

"Eh? I almost fell on my a*s while laughing! God that was funny!" Ethan giggled.

James's expression changed into one of shock and confusion.

"You… Are you even human? How can you not feel something seeing Andrew in that state!"

Ethan shrugged his shoulders.

"I care about myself, not some random stuck-up prick. We all know how Andrew is simping for Lucian's fiance. He probably just challenged him to prove he's superior or something."

"Pfft- hahaha" Lucian tried to hold back a giggle but failed.

Wiping a tear that was rolling down his cheek, Lucian patted Ethan on the shoulder.

"That was exactly what happened. He came to threaten me into annulling our engagement"

Ethan turned to James with a smug look.

"See, it's okay to laugh at him!"

Seeing his two best friends laughing at another guy's misfortune, James sighed.

"You two are absolutely f*cking evil."



A beautiful woman with dark blue hair stepped down a flight of stairs and entered the first-year building.

Her presence seemed to have garnered the attention of all of the nearby students, who watched her with adoring eyes.

Some brave enough to step forward were stopped by some kind of invisible pressure.

Preventing them from going too close.

The woman however paid these people no mind, ignoring them with a neutral expression.

After all…

There was only one person she wanted to see.

Thinking of him, a small smile appeared on her face.

Her smile was nothing short of a lethal weapon for her countless onlookers, with some swooning on the spot.

"Did you see that? The goddess just smiled!"

"I'll never forget her smile until the day I die!"

Stella continued past the onlookers, without batting an eye.

Since they were getting out of the way to let her pass, she saw no need to.

As Stella neared her destination, she sped up her gait

Impatient to see the person she'd been waiting to see.

Unfortunately, there was someone in her path who looked like he didn't have any intention of moving.

Deciding to walk around him, Stella stepped to the right.

Only for him to do the same.

Stella slowed down to a halt, with any remaining vestiges of a smile disappearing from her face completely.

Leaving only a neutral yet icy expression in its place.

Staring directly into the person's eyes, Stella slightly opened her mouth.

"Don't block my path, Wilson."

"Oh! If it isn't the goddess herself!"

The boy named Wilson looked at Stella with a surprised look.

Which looked far too fake to be even remotely realistic.

"Spit it out, what do you want?" Stella asked with growing annoyance.

Wilson raised his hand and pointed it at Stella.


Stella stepped to the side as if trying to avoid being the thing that Wilson was pointing at.

"Won't happen, go find someone else."

Wilson sighed.

"Just because you made a promise to that trash's family to take care of him, doesn't mean you need to chain yourself down for the rest of your life. What you've done for him is enough. You've spent countless hours training him every day for years, even making sure his classmates won't bully him, but for what? He's nothing but a leech, constantly sucking your lifeblood. The longer you let him cling to your skin the worse off you'll be."

"Even now, you just threatened a bunch of second years for sticking papers onto his car. When will you stop trying to be his older sister figure? Stop wasting your life on half-dead trash like him. The only thing going for him is his appearance, but that's nothing more than simple eye candy. There are countless other handsome guys out there, like me for example. I have the strength, the wealth and the looks to make you happy. So, please… Just tell him that you're breaking the engagement."

Wilson watched Stella with pleading eyes, but there appeared to be no change at all on her face.

She still kept her cold demeanour, just like an emotionless doll.

"Are you finished? If so I'd like to pass."

Despite being stronger and older than her, Wilson slightly shivered when he felt her icy pressure focus on him.

"At least just consider it…"

"My relationship doesn't concern you. Please kindly back off."

A sad smile appeared on Wilson's face, but he still stepped to the side letting Stella pass.

After she passed by him, Wilson sighed to himself.

"I swear… I will have you one day Stella… That trash doesn't deserve you."