Enrolling In The Gym

"And here is the place you will start out in," Geoff pointed to a room in which several teenage kids were training earnestly.

He had offered to take Lucian on a tour of the gym and show him the inner works, and while Lucian wasn't really too interested, Stella practically dragged him with her.

All Lucian could do was silently promise himself that he'd get back at her one day.

The students before them were repeating a series of punches and kicks as if practicing a set routine.

Another man, visibly older than the rest, stopped by each student, telling them what they needed to improve.

The gym's classes focused on first instilling basic martial arts and fighting knowledge into their pupils before helping them learn to fight using their abilities.

This was because they fully believed in the fundamentals being the foundation to support the rest of their fighting capabilities.

The classes themselves were similar to the style of an eastern dojo.




However… The instructor was more of a marine drill sergeant.

Lucian watched this scene with an annoyed look.

Praying to whatever deity he could think of, he turned to Geoff.

"Isn't there anywhere else I could start out? This seems a little too intense for me," Lucian said while scratching the side of his cheek.

Geoff smiled lightly but shook his head.

"This is already the least intense class. Frankly, the only ones that would be easier than this would be the kid's curriculum."

Lucian appearing to think long and hard, nodded as if it was a good idea.

"That sounds good. I'll go there."

Stella sighed audibly as she put her head in her hand.

"Lucian… That's for elementary school kids. Even middle schoolers are considered too old for that."

Breathing out an exasperated sigh, Lucian looked at Stella.

"Is it too late to change my mind about applying here?"

Lucian certainly wanted to get stronger, but this seemed like it would be too much of a hassle.

As someone who preferred to fight using the most efficient way possible, all of this seemed like something he'd rather avoid.

After all, coming straight at his enemy for a head-on clash wasn't really Lucian's style.

Stella looked at Lucian but suddenly pulled her hands in front of her and cracked her knuckles audibly.

"Sure, that's fine, but you're returning to training with me. So, as a 'welcome back bonus,' I'll also double our daily training time."

Stella turned to Geoff and bowed.

"Apologies, teacher, but it seems that Lucian doesn't wish to enrol anymore. Sorry for taking up your time."

Before Geoff could reply, Lucian hurriedly cut her off.

"I was speaking hypothetically! But, of course, I want to apply here!"

There was no way Lucian would go back to her training, much less twice the typical duration.

If the instructors here were drill sergeants, Stella was downright spartan!

"Oh, are you sure, Lucian? I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to…." Stella asked with a conflicted look.

But it was clear as day that it was fake.

Lucian cursed under his breath and forced a false smile onto his lips.

"Don't worry! I'm more than interested!"

'I swear I'll get back at you one of these days, Stella….'

"Alright then, Lucian, come on in, and let's get you started."


Walking out of the locker room, Lucian rubbed his aching muscles.

"It's not as bad as Stella's training, but damn I hated that."

Despite being a new face, the drill sergeant of an instructor certainly wasn't easy on him.

Lucian felt his eardrums were blown out numerous times due to his excessive screaming.

The fact that Lucian had supersensitive hearing as a vampire didn't really help either.

Frankly, he was about to cry from joy the instant the whole thing ended.

As he sauntered to the gym exit, he saw Stella standing next to a familiar-looking lady.

Her features were similar to Stella's, but she was undoubtedly older.

While still looking relatively young, when standing next to Stella, she looked as if she were her older sister.

Something that Lucian knew couldn't be farther from the truth.

"Hello, auntie," Lucian politely greeted.

The lady looked up from her phone and smiled when she saw Lucian walk up to her.

"Lucian! How are you! Come give auntie a hug!"

Without waiting another moment, she tightly bear-hugged Lucian as if trying to smother him in her ample bosom.


Lucian struggled as his airflow was cut off, but the woman didn't seem to notice as she was too busy stroking his head.

"Stella told me what happened. I knew it wasn't a good idea for her to go on her own, but she insisted that she was finally big enough to be an independent young girl. I heard that you took care of her and kept her safe even when something scary like that happened! You have my thanks for taking care of my precious daughter!"


Lucian felt himself losing consciousness as he desperately struggled to escape.

Unfortunately, the woman was a certified indigo-level ability user, the likes of which a white level like him couldn't really do much about.

It wasn't until Stella stepped in that Lucian could finally get a chance to breathe.

"Mom, you're smothering him again."

The woman blinked in confusion before looking down at Lucian, whose eyes were practically rolling back into his head.

Panicking a little, she immediately let go.


Grateful for the taste of sweet air, Lucian frantically inhaled as hard as he could.

Very few people could claim they stared death in the eye, and now Lucian was one of them.

"Sorry about that, Lucian dear. Auntie got a little carried away. After all, you haven't seen us in quite a while."

Lucian nodded his head and apologized.

"Sorry, aunt Roseanne."

Roseanne frowned lightly at Arvell's words.

"Are you not going to call me' aunt Rosie' anymore?'

Lucian blushed slightly as Stella's mother brought up an embarrassing memory from his childhood.

"I'm no longer 5…."

Roseanne frowned lightly with a pout.

"My little Lucian's all grown up and tired of his auntie… I'm hurt."

Stella sighed audibly at her mother's antics.

"Mom… Didn't you say we were in a rush?"

Roseanna looked at her daughter with a sulky look.

"I finally get to see little Lucian after so long! Why are you rushing me!"

Stella just silently facepalmed before throwing Lucian an apologetic look.

'Look, I tried. You deal with her.'

Lucian's eye twitched slightly at Stella's actions.

However, he didn't let it show outwardly.

Instead, he turned to Roseanna and shook his head.

"Thank you, auntie, but I don't want to hold you up. We should meet again next time when both of us are free."

"Hmm… Okay, but you need to promise to meet me, okay?"

"Of course, I promise."

Roseanna smiled and gave Lucian one last tight hug before taking Stella with her and exiting the building.

"I'll see you later, Lucian."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow Lucian."

"Bye, you two!"

Lucian waved the two of them goodbye as he walked over to his sleek red sports car.

The instant he sat down in the driver's seat, his happy, almost jovial nature disappeared as if it was but a lie.

The only thing that remained on his face was an icy cold smile and eyes dripping with bloodlust.

"Let's start tonight's hunt, Alecia."