Attack on the Academy [4]

Charlotte eyed the suspicious-looking being before her warily.

She could feel that the being before them was powerful… Powerful enough to take on their whole group at once if desired.

Since their mistress was sure to have heard the distress signal, they just needed to stall for time.

"Who are you, and what is your aim?"

Seemingly finding her words amusing, the being chuckled lightly.

"Take a guess. I want to see if you can figure it out."

Frowning, Charlotte assumed a battle stance, which prompted the surrounding servants to do the same.

Conjuring a fist-sized ball of water, she glared threateningly at the being before her.

"I assume you or your group is responsible for this massacre? The only thing capable of nullifying a void lock is a dimensional destabilizer. How did you get your hands on outlawed tech like that?"