One Big Happy Family

The white-haired man opened and stepped through it, appearing only a few feet away from Lucian.

Eyeing Stella, who was unconscious in Lucian's arms, he frowned.

"Just how long do you plan on touching my granddaughter, boy." 

Despite being saved by Alford's timely appearance, Lucian couldn't help but internally frown.

He knew what kind of person Alford was and his unrestrained displeasure towards him.

However, instead of showing his inner feelings, a bright smile broke out on Lucian's face.

"Ah, hello, grandfather! I was tending to my precious fiance; I wouldn't want her to get dirty by lying on the ground, right?"

Since he knew just what kind of person Alford was, Lucian naturally had methods to deal with him.

Alford's frown deepened as he eyed Lucian.

"I do not recall ever being your grandfather or giving you permission to address me."

Lucian appeared shocked by Alford's words.