The last woman left while I was here and absentmindedly watched her quiet departure. But, a loud noise caught my attention as I heard a loud crash.
I was almost speechless at what I saw. Tell me what my eyes are seeing right now is not real. The man had previously bathed in his own blood and lay almost lifeless on the cold ground. There was a deafening silence, you couldn't hear a whisper from anyone. Shock.
Why don't the teachers, even the principal of this school, stop this wheel? Why didn't even one of these students find a way to detox this man like the flames had revealed earlier?
Why until now I still can't move my legs and I'm still witnessing how this poor man could die at any moment. "Until we meet for the last time…" after the man said that, he threw a whole table on the poor man's face and body. Wait, how did he survive?
My heart and mind were filled with questions. What's in this school? What's at Reyes Montessori Academy? Why does it seem like murder is becoming legal here?
I was shocked because after the man did this, everyone turned to me. My eyes widened. What is happening? Why are they all staring at me? Did I do something?
"Looks like something new," the man said with a smile and quickly ran towards me. I may have run on a whim. I don't know why am I running or chasing it. I am a man to cry but why am I losing strength at this school? I became a weak creature.
I just ran as far as I could with my feet. I felt like I walked all over the school for my run. Until they caught me when I fell all of a sudden.
I fell into a dark place. I couldn't even see because the place was so deep so I pulled my phone out of my pocket and used the flashlight.
I was suddenly scared when I saw there were skeletons there. You can hardly count because there are so many. And the place smelled of rotten flesh and fresh blood. The smell almost made me nauseous but I stopped and continued looking to see what was inside. Until I heard a voice.
A woman's voice.
I searched for him and when I saw him, I immediately went to him. He was almost lying on the dirty, bloody, and smoking floor. Now I can't take it anymore so I cover my nose. "H-help..." he said almost hoarsely. Even though I didn't like it, I still sat on the floor.
"Why are you here? Why are you hurt? -" I couldn't finish my question because he just covered my mouth and kissed me hard.