Don't provoke a man

Chris Lindt was the most challenging problem May had encountered so far.

She had researched on the net and even read a few romance novels in search of ideas, but nothing made sense for a long while. She talked with her roommate to put the pieces together, and only then she could tell that the issue was inside her.

She liked Chris. That was the problem. It didn't matter much what he did, because she would overreact and feel all confused.

All because she liked him. That awareness made everything just more complicated. How was she supposed to look him in the eye, now?

Still, she continued with her research until she had the whole situation pictured in her mind She liked him, true. But he also liked her; at least, that was what he had said. It meant she didn't need to waste time with all those pages about being reciprocated. She could move on to the next step: deciding what she should do.