chapter XLiii

Town patril

This is a father day to remember, back to the story. " mom I going with you, said. Teeno, " no but about this mom I not going to lose my mother on this. " Teeno keep your butt on your hors Hank if they dismount slap put them on their horses, said. Jessie, " be for your sweet good clubs do what we wish, you I want y Royal treatment when we get home, they kiss each other. " I thought I already gave you that, I got twenty in here, I going to see if the family covered me, she crawl down to the house, " that goes for you to Frankie Thomas make sure no clubs is off their horses, if they dare slap and put back on, said. Jordan, " ( jes, you got movement,) she stop as one of the Murdoch boys walked around to take a pe, Jessie sneak up in knock him out with the butt off het gun, Jordan raj up and the turn him over, and shackled him, they pick him up put him in the prison wagon, " you two we draw them out knocked then out you shackled them put them in the wagon, simple, said. Jessie, " how come you get the juices parts and we get the peels? Asked. Cullen," I want my cookies on father days mom and Aunt Jessie." We are trying to keep you and your cousins and siblings breathing, nephew, you two don't want it give to your brother or sister, " mom I didn't say I didn't want did i? One of these day you got to let go and trust, Said, Tiffany, " we did you all left home right, so when are you going to stop crying about the past? Let's go, said. Jordan, they ran down to the ouse, careful will you you do not know who side they are on. Back to the story, in the diner. " will we minus will, lunch?" Isn't the gals plan to fix lunch for you and the boys dear? "( yes, but you want to eat go head,) two people walked into the diner, " ( this man can't wait,what is taken so long you two is never this slow!)-(" excuse us if we got hired earlier, this would be solved, board that on his marshal, that why I said no promises dad,) said. Jordan, "( who are you getting loud with club!? I want this done noe Ashley and Martina,) said. Marco," ( lest you stop calling me a blood hound,you can rush progress, you let the hand play you come out a winner each time,) she knocking the window as Jordan watch her back, or open the window, " they your husbands? Asked. Jessie, " no our men is in the army. Can you help us, askrd, the women, " they hostage, I singing one is not a hostage in put in here to keep a eye on them, twenty women ad kids, ad one guard, we going to get you out put you going to have to our signal, she wave to Teeno and Frankie, they jump off their horses, they ran over to their mothers, " session plan , we going to get them out ait for our signal idol not want their guard tone alery, stay here and down, Said. Jessie, " when you hear us you will know to move boys, understand? " yeah mom, they both said, they crawl to the other side, they kook in the window, " one down that twelve left, they drinking and playing cards, session plan two run their horses away," ( would my wonderful big beautiful sons and sons in laws like to do their mother and Aunt a flavor?)-(" yes my love name it.) Said. Wrston,"( run their horses away, far do not stop, we come for you and get you,) said. Jordan, "( anything for the gorgeous women in my life,) said. Ted, they ride up to their horses and untie them from the trees, and fire their guns chasing them off riding after them, will gals you didn't say how to do it, back to the story. " ( I didn't raise you to play freaking poker Jessie Martina Garrett!) May we help you? Asked. Marco, " ( of course you would think a mother of twenty,- seven would do that, it a figured of speech dad .) said, Jessie. " we are looking for jobs sir are you hirig? Asked.the women," do you need help Mrs. Anderson? ( you not to big to have your ear pulled Jessie!) " no I do well handing the office,maybe when you decide to run for Congress. Said, Josie, " when that happens when Houston get what they nred,I'm ran mail



Better depots

Mint money with wagon and train system with guards, once I have theses and our team trained and regeared in new outfits, and we all have station office in town, then Marco Anderson step up to Congress. Said, Marco, " what team?" You never heard of the bounty of law season hearts, by government hired only.) (" if we going that way dad lets talk paid and days of,) said. Jordan, wait a minute when that started, back to the story. One walked out to investigate, " I'm going in, Jordan nod, Jessie snuck up knock him out she catch him laid him on the ground, She put her gun away, she sneak in the house, Jordan shackled him,"( okay Cullen and Tiffany we got one for you, be careful running up.) They got off their horse and ran up, they pick him up carry him down to the wagon, she sneak inside, and closed the door. " I have they are really good at what they are doing, are they hiring? " no one is hiring right honey, tell you you let us work get Houston I the direction, and let my family train, get fitted, everything is done, and I am Congress then come to us, that be in a few months from now, my team




New rifles

New outfits that have and trained,

We need is a office, soon I get our daughters of by hired and state hire meaning me, we will be in the right path, so will Houston. Said, Marco. " the gals donors and give a shot, right they not the want to train up ended want to get the state upgrade to we match the other states, said.josie, they put him in the wagon and closed the door. Jessie snuck up to the door and bang on hit, which woke up the guard, she ran out the door,Jessie elbow her and caught her, she shackled her, " ( boys now, get them out the window, Tiff me at the door, Jordan where are you?) They open the windows and help them out,Tiffany ran up, Jessie opened the door and hand her to her, " thank you, but next time I want to do this," when you are ready my child, go be careful, she ran down to the wagon, she closed the door met up with Jordan. You two got more guts then me, be careful please! Back to the story, " you said daughter's? " yes the season hearts is our kids in laws and grandkids, ( I wanted a report where you at?)-(" getting the family out, in the house, and plane is going well, ) said.Jordan, "( that what I like what about the money, job is not over until you have it,) said. Marco," that is so cool have they always wanted to that?" They didn't really had choice in the matter what dad said goes, said. Marco, "( how many times you are going to tell us that dad? One task at a time, ) they kick in the door, their father jump," what , you are ashamed to your father, and mother, where is the money you stole to day? She paralyzed him,tears came down his face, " you got him? Asked. Jordan, his sons run up," hold I bet your mother flipping her grave what you boys did, taken what is not yours taken hostages against their well, Jes. " for armed robbery for my twin son 400

Fleeing from the law 400

And hostage against well 400 each, that round up to 1,200 ranks, you bring it down if you tell us where you did with the money, said, Jessie. No one said anything, " that how you want, finr,( gals dismount search for the money, thomas bring our nephews back,) they got off their horses and start to search the ground, Thomas' when to bring his nephews back, they shackled them and brought them out of the house, they put them in the prison wagon, and locked the door, " session done, said. Jessie, & cording to dad we not done until we find the found, you can let them back in and take down their reports boys, said. Jordan, they take them in the house, they rode up, " not bad for a father days, said. Warren, " we glad you like it start tomorrow we going out training and having classed, and training in working , said. Jessie, "( mom we found it,)Said, Cora. " we get to town turn him over to the marshl and call a judge and jury, put them on wagon make sure they get camp, them check in for the night and patrol Gobbertown, said. Jessie, " after?" Go home fix breakfast, and head out, said.Jordan, they mount up and left, they arrived into, they walked out of the door of the diner, it is still daylight outside, not bad for a day of work on father, back to the story. They taken them into the law office and lock them up. Jordan telegram for judge and patty wagon, Teeno and Heather turn the money over to the bank, they got paid for the job." Okay dad we were you want to go state hired by you, salary you got sixy people here, said. Jessie, " you rise to Congress we step up by Congress hired, said. Hank," tomorrow I run for Congress get everything we need, to succeed, you get get the team updated and trained, may e interview for hires, and we see you in a few days with salary and hours and days off, said. Marco, " protection we grant you Preston,Portor, Yohan and Jesse, said. Jordan, " long with Cameron and Trevino, boys be careful and see you when you return, said. Jessie, " we got grandpa, we not return with wives if that what you hoped! " no like black hawk said when you are ready I will know, you not sons, mother wolves knows, said. Jessie, the judge and patty wagon came, they take them out of the prison, into the court house. * they where all sentences each year max * they shackled them up, put them into the party wagon, and shut the door behind them. They escorted them to Diamond prison camp, mean while they locked their horses and carriage up got on the train to Standard points, that where they go to run for office, what a great day this is. I going to drink an tall glass of tea to the bounty of law season hearts, back to the story. After they see that the wagon got to the prison, they head back to town. It late, they arrived in Gobbertown, " okay Hank and Ted check on the bank, we get dinner, we plan an whole meal for you boys, sorry that this ruin it, so we have a big brunch tomorrow, said. Jordan, " it didn't this day has be great, breakfast was wow, and this day was wow. Said. Devon," son you know that make my day feel better, still we owe you, do a quick patrol and head in to the diner, we bring out Hank and Ted, said. Jessie, they ride up the town, as Hank and Ted went into the bank to stand guard, they got off their horses and walked into the dinner to order food,for their family. After they did a patrol run they Walked into the diner and Sat down, " the town is quit mom, said. Heather, " we going to be here all night, so any trouble call out and stay alert, said. Jessie, they bring out the food they blessed the food and start toeat, as Hank and Thomas feeding their daughters, they took the trays out and walked in the bank and gave them their dinner, " thanks nom and Aunt Jordan, they ssid." You are welcome boys, call if you got trouble, said. Jordan, " we will, said. Ted, they walked out of the door and back in the dinet, they sat down at the table and eat little, after they family is fill up they paid for the food, and head back out went to patrol, all not they patrol no sign of troubles, and it was was morning early morning, Hank and Ted is out,Tiffany and Heather went to get their husbands, " you boys look comfortable, " not ready, we leaving? Asked. Ted. " we going home, said. Heather, they walked out and they got up on their horses, they head home, " dad is going to want progress reports, arrest reports rank reports, and patrol reports, plus training reports, so we get them out of way first, then we have class, and training, we train your brothers when they get back, for today you all earn your pay, they write then all their checks and paid them, rest up and we see you at the house later on, said. Jordan, they went home, they arrived at they house and walked inside and they walked up the steps in their rooms and crash,