No idea how long we spend like that.
A few times Paula kissed me. Feeling it, I moved my fingers around her back.
Seeing doors opening almost immediately, I moved a little to the side while grabbing the phone.
Paula is much faster than I am. She started playing.
Seeing the maths teacher coming inside, he looked at us and said, "Oh, you are still here. It will take around two hours."
"Oh, so what do we need to do?"
"I do not know. Spend time like the one you want. I am going to look over at the headmaster. He is so proud of being here, hoping you will be first and second," the teacher said while closing the doors.
Seeing it, I looked at Paula. Seeing her expression, she smiled and said, "Almost. I will text Ann to buy a few things to eat."
"Ok," I said shortly and could see Paula texting someone. No idea what she is texting, but I keep looking at her.
When she did this, she said, "oh, Emily. You want this from me?"
"Something is happening," I asked.
"Look at yourself," she said while showing me a photo. Seeing questions there, I said, "wait. This is a history test."
"Yes. Let's help her," she said.
Hearing it, I nodded and said, "Send me this photo. I will give you answers while you are writing them."
"Good point," Paula said, and not long after, I received two photos. Having them, I opened them first and started telling Paula all.
When I had done this, she smiled and said, "Great. Now she knows what should be. I hope she will not end up being caught."
"Me too."
"Ok. I deleted messages. You should do the same," Paula said. Hearing it, I nodded, and when I did this, she moved closer and hugged me.
Seeing it, I smiled and said, "Something on your mind."
"Many things. We could watch something. Spend time just differently. Not sitting here and doing nothing."
"Yes," I said, and when Paula nodded, her phone started ringing. When she answered, she said only once, "ok", and hung out.
Seeing it, I asked, "Ann."
"Yes. I will," Paula started saying, but I shook my head and said, "You should stay here. I will go."
"Ok," Paula said while smiling. Seeing it, I walked out and started going to Ann's car.
While I kept doing it, my phone started ringing. Hearing it, I answered and said, "Yes."
"Jack, why are you not in school?" mom's voice came.
"I am at a maths competition. Megan won it some time ago," I said.
"Oh, this one. You think you will be."
"First," I said shortly.
"Good to hear this. Bye, "she said and hung out. Hearing it, I looked at the phone.
Why did mom call me asking such a question? Why am I not in school? Thinking about this, I come to Ann's car, and she comes out while saying, "here."
"Oh, thanks," I said.
"You have one gift from me too," she said while smiling and walking into the car. Seeing it, I do not know what she is talking about.
As I started going in, I called JJ.
When he answered, I said, "You might be being tracked."
"I know. Master wanted to know where you are. Therefore, he checked me. I can see if someone is checking their GPS here," JJ said.
"Ok," I said and hung out.
When I did this, I came inside. Seeing some students looking at me and coming back to talk, I walked inside the room. Seeing Paula sitting there, she smiled and said, "So you had come back. It took you some time."
"Oh yes. A friend called."
"Ok. Give me it," she said, and I passed the bag to Paula.
Seeing it, she grabbed it and started unpacking everything. While she kept doing it, I could see snacks, fruits, and some drinks.
I do not know what they are. I can only see fruits there, and at one point, Paula started cursing while taking one thing.
Seeing it, I looked at her. Seeing my look, she ended. "I am going to force Ann to run until she will be dead."
"Look at you," she said and passed it. Seeing what she passed, I looked at Paula.
Seeing my look, she said, "hide. If mommy or daddy found this close to me, I would be grounded."
"Really. For what" I started saying, but seeing Paula look, I nodded and said, "ok. I will do this."
"Great," Paula said while smiling. Seeing her look at me, I smiled, and she hugged me.
Feeling it, I monitor her.
When she looked at me, I patted her head, and she said, "Good. Now let's have a drink."
"Oh, what you have here?"
"Beer," she said. Hearing it, I looked into her eyes and said, "Not drinking."
"Oh, really?" she asked. Hearing her, I nodded.
As Paula looked at me, she smiled and said, "So it will be for me. Now I have four beers. I hope you will eat."
"Oh yes," I said while smiling and looking at her. Seeing my look, Paula nodded.
When she opened a beer. I took a coke and sipped a little. When I was done, this Paula opened a beer and drank a little. I could smell something fruity coming.
As I looked at her, she smiled and said, "oh, good fruit one."
"Good to know," I said, and when she smiled, I looked at what snacks she had there.
Seeing many, I know I grabbed cookies. Seeing it, Paula smiled and took some salty one.
After opening it, we all started eating while chit-chatting. As we kept doing it, for some time, we had done it, as the headmaster came. Seeing what Paula was drinking, he only shook his head.
Seeing it, he said, "an hour more."
"So long," Paula said.
"We ordered something hot. It should be here soon."
"Ok," Paula said, and he walked out. Seeing it, I looked at her. Seeing my look, she smiled and said, "So we will have something more. I am curious why he ordered it, as it has not long passed."
"Oh, no idea," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and when she kissed me, I could smell beer.
As she looked at me, she smiled and kissed me shortly. Once again. When we had done this, we moved back to chit-chatting.
When we kept doing it, at one point the headmaster came, and when he left for food, he walked away. Seeing it, I could see sandwiches from fast food. Seeing it, Paula looked at me and said, "Let's see what they bought."
"Good hot," she said, and when she checked what she looked at me, she gave me one. While seeing it, I nodded, and while seeing it cut in half, I asked, "one for me, second for you."
"Oh, we can eat like that," she said. Hearing it, I nodded, and we started eating.
I like what I have here. I started being curious about what Paula had. When I had done mine, I grabbed one that she had. As I started eating, it was much spicier.
I prefer the one which I had previously. As I kept eating, I had done it at one point. Seeing it, I smiled, and when I did it, Paula kept sipping beer while eating.
After she was done, I looked at her. While seeing her, she smiled and said, "Oh, this was a good one."
"Yes. So what do we have in plans for now?"
"Oh wait. Let's end what we started," she said. Hearing it, I nodded, and we went back to eating it. After ending it, I know one thing. I will not have dinner today.
I ate too much. Maybe supper later.
Thinking about this not long after, the headmaster comes in. Seeing his look, he said, "End drinking. All should be soon."
"Ok," Paula said, and when I nodded, I started hiding everything in my backpack. When I had done this, Paula finished drinking, and I took all and packed it into a bag.
When I had done this, she smiled, and we walked out. Now it's time to know how well we wrote this test. What score we will have from this competition?
As we came out, I looked around, and when I saw the trash can, I threw it all there.
When I did this, Paula smiled, and we started going after the headmaster. Seeing it, I smiled and looked at Paula.
Seeing that once again, she started becoming nervous, and I grabbed her hand.
Feeling it, she nodded and said, "Thanks."
"No problem," I said. When Paula once again nodded, I realised to her. We walked to where we wrote all.
As I looked at everyone, the headmaster, and maths teacher walked to rest.
Seeing them, I looked at Paula, and we stayed at the back.
Good, that we have a good place, and while standing, she grabbed my hand.
Feeling it, I looked into her eyes.
I could see that she started becoming more and more nervous.
As I monitored her, she smiled when someone came out.
Seeing it, the speech began.
Like always, they sound the same to me.
When the person there ended, it started telling who placed where from the bottom. So time to see everyone going there and taking certificates. The worst score came to be forty points. No idea how many. So time soon to know more.