What is in your naughty mind?

While we kept doing it, I looked at Paula.

Seeing my look, she smiled and said, "Oh, Jack."


"Coke," she said. While seeing her reaction after words. I know that she has a spicy one. So I passed it to her. When she drank, she said, "Oh, I made a mistake."

"Something is happening."

"Too spicy. Ann might tell the wrong thing," Paula said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and as she looked at me, she added, "So, let's continue eating."

I only nodded and moved back to eating. When I had done this all, I kept observing Paula.

After she had done this, all she did was coke too and look at me. As Paula smiled, she said, "Oh, Jack, help me move it into shadow."

"Ok," I said, and as she smiled, I moved it all where she wanted. When I had done this, she lay on a chair, and while looking at her. She smiled and closed her eyes.

Seeing her wanting to take a nap, I smiled and strolled inside. When I smiled and used the bathroom, I had done all of it, and when I took the book, I came back outside.

As Paula looked at me, she smiled, and I said, "I will read now."

"Ok. I will have a nap," Paula said, and as she closed her eyes, I sat on her side and started reading.

While I keep doing it, for some time, I lose when time passes. After moving slowly up, I looked at Paula. As she kept napping, I smiled and walked into the pool.

It is so great now.

While in the water, I spent some time like that, and while seeing Paula waking up, she looked at me. Seeing her smile, she started walking toward me.

Before she comes in, her bra goes away. Seeing it, she moved her shoulders and went into the water.

While seeing her look, she smiled and kissed me.

After doing it, I asked, "So something on your mind now?"

"Yes. I have many things," Paula said while hugging me.

When she smiled and kissed me for some time. Paula looked into my eyes. As I smiled. She kept hugging me for some time, and as I smiled, she started swimming.

Seeing it, I nodded and kept looking at her. While I kept observing Paula, she had finally done it.

As Paula swam closer to me, she said, "Oh, Jack."


"So we might have some time for us," she said. Hearing her words, I looked at her and said, "What is in your naughty mind?"

"Oh, Jack. I am not naughty."

"You might be. We will now move to the bedroom with you," I said. Hearing me, Paula started laughing, and she said, "I want to have a long shower. You need to wash my back carefully."

"Oh," I only said, and as she nodded, I smiled, and we strolled to the bathroom. While being there, most of the time I spent washing her. When I had done this all, I smiled, and when we came out.

As I looked at Paula, she smiled, and as she kissed me, she changed. After doing it, she said, "So now we might watch something."


Hearing her, I nodded, and we kept watching while eating cookies, which Paula found here.

After we had finished eating, I smiled, and as she lay on my shoulder, we kept watching.

With time passing, Paula said, "Food."

"Oh, I will go make something."

"Ok," she said, and as I nodded, I smiled and walked to the kitchen, and started making food.

I could hear what Paula wanted.

Hearing her, I smiled, and when I kept creating it, I kept smiling.

It took me some time, and when I had finally done this all, I smiled and moved slowly to Paula. Seeing what I had created for her, she looked at me and said, "Oh, it looks good."

"Made how I thought it should be."

Hearing me, she nodded, and as she took a fork. We started eating.

With time passing, we had done this all and kept watching the series.

Good that here Paula could log into her account. Therefore, we can watch the series which we started earlier.

While we kept doing it, all the time passed.

Seeing that night had come, I tried to not yawn too loud. While observing Paula, she smiled and said, "Oh, Jack."

"Yes," I said, and after she kissed me, she said, "It is just early night."

"Still. Time changes and other things."

"Right, you didn't have a nap. Therefore, you might be sleepy. So maybe a beer to fall asleep faster," Paula asked.

Seeing her look at me, I said, "You know I don't drink."

"Right. I forgot. I will take it for myself. Something for you?" Paula asked while getting up. Seeing her look, I said, "comfortable bed and someone, who I can hug."

"This will be soon," Paula said while opening the beer. As she looked at me, she smiled and kissed me. When she did this, she started sipping beer while playing another episode. For sure after this one, I will go to sleep.

When it was finally done, I said, "Sleep."

"So let's go," she said while smiling, and after turning it all off, I smiled, and we strolled to the bedroom. After changing, I hugged her and finally fell asleep.

My sleep here was bad. As it is not a familiar place for me, I woke up a few times.

The first thing I saw was Paula's face sleeping.

Seeing it, I keep smiling, and once again fall asleep.

When finally morning came, the sun woke me up. While watching it, I stayed in bed for some time.

When Paula moved, she looked at me and said, "Hello, Jack," and kissed me. When she had done this, she said, "So we can go have some breakfast."

"Oh, bathroom first, and I will think about what we can have."

"Out for breakfast," she said while stretching. Seeing it, I nodded, and after kissing her cheek, I walked to the bathroom. When I did all there, I came out, and when Paula walked there, I started changing.

After she came out, she looked at me and said, "So we can go."

"Yes," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and as I smiled, we walked to the garage. Seeing a BMW there, I looked at Paula. After she removed the roof, she smiled and said, "So let go."

"Ok," I said. When Paula started the car, we drove out not long after. It took us some time, but after Paula bought food and came with it back, she once again started driving.

Not back where we are staying just somewhere else.

I asked her a few times, but she does not want to answer, so only waited for me to come.