As we were driving, finally we came to our destination.
When we came out and took Simon, I looked into his sleeping face. While observing him, I could see doors opening.
"Oh, sister. How is'' Jim started saying. Hearing his words, Paula said, "Be quiet. He is sick."
"What happened to him? Tell me now."
"First teeth started showing up," Paula's mom said. Hearing her words, he nodded, and said, "Oh good. I will be going now."
As he walked to the car, we came inside. While closing the doors, I could hear him starting the car. As it was so loud, I could see Paula's dad coming closer.
Looking at him, he smiled and took Simon out. As he looked at us, he said, "Go up."
"Ok," Paula said. As she took my hand, I left the bag there. When I had done this, I walked after Paula upstairs.
When I got there, I looked at her. As she looked around, she started looking for something.
Seeing it, I lay in bed and kept observing her. While doing it, she came closer to me. Seeing her look, she said, "Oh, so maybe we will have some time here."
"you think."
"I could see that Mom is prepared with milk. I know Simon hasn't drunk too much of it," she said. Hearing her words, I nodded.
After kissing me, her phone started ringing. Looking at her, she answered, and said, "Oh, I am out of the home."
Looking at her, she said, "Emily."
I nodded.
Seeing her smile not long after hanging out. When she had done this, I smiled, and she said, "Emily and Lucy are coming here."
Looking at her, she said, "Don't look like that at me."
After she kissed me, I nodded, and we spent some time here. While watching TV, I could see Lucy coming here. Seeing her, I said, "You have come."
"Oh Paula, we are going shopping. Jack can stay here."
"I will not."
"You will. " Paula's mom's voice came. As I could see her smiling, she added, "For Jack, Joanna will come. We will in five take care of Simon."
"Who will be fifth? " I asked
Hearing Grandpa's voice, I smiled and said, "Oh. Hello grandpa. How is your heart?"
"Great. Do not worry about me. I can play with Simon as much as he wants."
"Ok," I said. When he smiled, Paula walked out. Seeing it, not long after I came downstairs, and while being there, I looked at Simon for some time until Joanna came here.
After being in the car, she said, "So, where will we be going?"
"No idea. I was kicked out."
Hearing me, she started giggling, and said, "Mom called to me as I was working."
"Oh, we can go there. Especially as I need to see how my money keeps growing."
Hearing my words, she nodded, and we drove to her company. When we had come there I could see her smiling, and she said, "I will order lunch."
Hearing her words, I nodded. Looking at her, I smiled, and not long after, we came into her office.
While being there not long after, Joanna fully focused on her work.
Seeing it, I smiled, and after having papers in front of me, I started checking them. While doing it, I could see that something was not right.
As I looked at Joanna as she was talking, I said, "sister."
"Yes, my younger brother."
"Come here," I said. Hearing me, she came closer, and as she started listening to me, her expression changed. Seeing it, she said to her phone, "Sis, did you hear it?"
As I looked at her she said, "ok. We will wait for you here."
As Joanna made her call, she looked at me, and we kept checking the rest. While doing it, Sophia had come here.
At one point, the guy who had come with me explained it all. Seeing his look, he nodded and said, "We will take care of this."
Hearing his words, I nodded, and not long after, he walked out. Seeing Sophia's look, she said, "So, where is lunch?"
"It is coming."
Hearing her words, I nodded, and we spent time here. Not long after it had come, we started eating while talking. Mostly about Simon.
Their reaction about what happened yesterday they decided just after a quick look that we were coming to check on Simon.
Knowing it, I could smile, and when we had finished eating we moved slowly to cars, and while sitting in Joanna's one we started our drive.