The Commonwealth

12.05.2287 | The Institute, Boston, America

William Johnathan Frederick Smith or more commonly known as the Lone Wanderer; stood in the middle of the Institute headquarters. The once vast and powerful faction that stood as the Commonwealth's, maybe even all of America's greatest entity, greater than even the Enclave.

Yet now, on December the fifth, after nearly three years of fighting, the Lone Wanderer stood at the middle of its carcass. The Institute was laid low as over the course of the war that they had found themselves in against the revered and even worshipped Lone Wanderer of the Capital Wasteland.

After numerous battles that saw the Super Mutant army of the Wanderer against the synthetic forces of the Institute, the Commonwealth now had the Union as their sole governing body, a union of the Commonwealth's greatest settlements such as Diamond City and Sanctuary Hills that was created by the Lone Wanderer and the Sole Survivor.

It was a few months ago did the Union force all of the Institute underground into their headquarters as Union forces encompassed all of the Commonwealth and even outside of it, only a week before did the Union figure out the teleportation technology of the Institute and only an hour before did the Lone Wanderer utilised that technology to infiltrate the Institute.

Once dubbed as the One-Man Apocalypse, the Lone Wanderer utterly destroyed the remaining forces of the Institute as all around him did the destroyed synthetic bodies laid in pieces.

In the background, with heightened senses, the Lone Wanderer heard the teleportation of numerous Union soldiers to the Headquarters as only a few minutes ago did he give the go ahead to the army.

With the now defeated Institute, the Union took all of the human scientists and staff into their custody and took everything of great value in the underground facility.

One of the Union soldiers walked to the still standing Lone Wanderer, in his famed power armour unit that made him nigh invincible, the soldier looked up at the terrifying sight as even after fighting with the great co-founder of their nation, the man, like many others, still felt a sense of dread at the eight foot tall walking holocaust.

"S-sir, all Institute human personnel have been taken with their technology now under our hands. Orders?"

For a few seconds, the Lone Wanderer stood silently, the soldier waiting in anticipation.

"Return to the Castle and inform Nora of these developments. Send one of your men to my quarters in Sanctuary to inform Ed-E to initiate Protocol: Reformation, he need do no more than say those words."

His deep voice resonated with the helmet's voice modulator, it gave it a near ethereal effect as if his voice was that of an Angel's or a Devil to some of the worse denizens of post-apocalyptic America.

"A-and of you, Sir? Ms. Nora will ask of your whereabouts."

"I shall stay here, awaiting for Protocol: Reformation."

With a salute the soldier walked off until he returned back to the Lone Wanderer to ask a question.

"I must ask, Sir, for Ms. Nora, what is Protocol: Reformation?"

"Requisition of this facility and using it for my own purposes such as a proper home and personal area for my own and I."

In quick succession, the Lone Wanderer answered the soldier. He saluted once more and went off to his unit to be teleported back to the Castle.

In good honest truth, the Lone Wanderer never needed a new facility of his own as the one in Sanctuary was well enough though eventually, he knew that the Commonwealth would need a great protection than the Union Army, they needed his robotic forces to be truly protected.

So that was what Protocol: Reformation was for, to reform the Institute headquarters and create a facility like that in the Divide, the Capital Wasteland, and Arroyo.

- The Castle, Boston, America -

The Castle, the bastion of the Union Army and formerly that of the Minutemen that was the area where the Union was created and the signage of the Treaty of United Commonwealth.

It was here where the Union held off the greatest of the Institute's forces and withstood their ground against the highly unlikely organized forces of the Commonwealth's last Raiders.

It is here in the Castle where the current President and Commander-in-Chief of its forces was located.

Nora Allgood or more known by her alias as the Sole Survivor, coming from Vault 111 in Sanctuary Hills, Nora was the woman who was found by the Lone Wanderer in the vault as its only surviving member.

Nora sat at her desk in her office as its door was knocked three times.

"Yes? Who is it?"

"Corporal Johnson of Unit Alpha, ma'am."

"Come in."

The door opened to the same soldier that the Lone Wanderer spoke to only a few minutes before.

Standing in front of the desk, the corporal gave Nora a pad that had multiple sheets of paper, she presumed this was his report on their recent mission to the Institute, moments later her suspicions were indeed correct.

"The Lone Wanderer has stated that he would stay at the Institute and initiate a Protocol: Reformation."

Going through the papers, Nora stopped at the section that was about Protocol: Reformation.

"Protocol: Reformation? I've known him for several years now and I myself have never heard of such a thing."

"W-well ma'am, you see. He told me that Protocol: Reformation was about the requisition of the Institute and making it his central base of operations here in the Commonwealth. Could I ask, ma'am, if that is legal?"

"First of, does he really need another base? He has one here in the Castle, one in Diamond City, and another in Sanctuary. Secondly, Corporal, the Lone Wanderer has done many things for the Union and Commonwealth, I think it's time for us to give him something for his actions."

"Of course ma'am."

Reading a few lines of the paper, Nora placed the report down and faced the soldier in the eyes.

"Dismissed, if you have any further orders, go do them, and if you have none then use your time as you wish."

Saluting, Corporal Johnson walked out of the room. Leaving Nora in the office until a knock on her door appeared.



The distinct British accent already gave it away, Codsworth, the Pre-War Mr. Handy that assisted Nora and her husband before the bombs fell and helped the Lone Wanderer and her in the rebuilding of Sanctuary.

"Codsworth. Come in."

The doors opened to reveal the floating robot as his small hat kept itself on his head. His sudden appearance in the Castle had put a smile on Nora's face as she kept Codsworth close to her heart, like a metal Pinocchio.

"How are you ma'am?"

"Seen better days but I go through my days with a smile."

"Well this pile of papers surely won't put that supposed smile on your face, ma'am."

A giggle came out of her mouth from the robots jest.

"You're right. Seeing this mountain of papers surely won't make me happy."

"Precisely! And so it is my duty as your Mr. Handy butler to assist you in these papers!"

"Well, you can do the papers that need my signatures while I'll do the ones that need something more than my signature."

"Will do ma'am! Just place the papers close to me and I shall sign them, even after two centuries, I still remember your signature."

And so they went to work, finishing a few hours later when the sun had set and night overtook the sky.

- The Institute, Boston, America -

It had been a few hours since Ed-E and multiple lifter bots and Mr. Handy's came to the Institute. Ever since, they've refurbished the underground facility to their creator's specifications.

Moving especially important devices and materials such as the experimental Teleportation Module that closely resembled the Transportalponder of the Big Mountain Research Facility.

There were several devices that were moved around continuously by said lifter bots and Mr. Handy's as their great importance makes it so that they need to be near the Lone Wanderer at all times.

Many of the now empty rooms of the facility were recycled for materials to be used in the creation of greater devices or robotics with any excess materials being given to the local communities.

Over the past hour, the Lone Wanderer was going through various codes and data through the recently installed hardware though unfortunately the Wanderer could not advanced any of his scientific and engineering paths since the super computers which held the data were still being in the process of being installed.

He had wanted to continue the completion of the B.A.M/Body Assistant Module, as incomplete as it was, BAM was still a dangerous and highly advanced artificial intelligence and data chip, capable of taking control of the Wanderer's body so he may use his mind in more important matters.

Though once completed, BAM would become an AI which imprinted itself into the Wanderer's mind that would work as one personality/mind. It was the final goal of the Wanderer, to become the 'perfect' version of himself.

Though such things were hindered as of yet. Eventually, the Wanderer continued going through various codes and data which pertained to the Zetan Aliens' technologies such as their teleportation abilities and biological engineering.

Even after nearly a decade of going through the technology, the Wanderer was still dumbfounded to the amount of data that a pistol had, the Blaster of the Zetans' always proved to be one of the more powerful weapons of the Wanderer, barring that of the Type E and the miniguns on his power armor unit.

A project of the Wanderer was to have the Type E be retrofitted with Zetan technology. The rifle blaster was powerful, yes, but the mixing of both Gauss and Zetan technology was a thing which always made the Wanderer wonder.

Unfortunately all projects were put to a halt ever since the Wanderer found an enemy in the Institute and strove to have the Commonwealth freed from their presence.

An hour into the research of the Wanderer did his senses tell him that someone had arrived into the facility, all robots had ceased their current doings and anticipated the intruder's presence, seeing this, the Wanderer's hand made signs to signal them to be nonaggressive.

Only moments later were the footsteps revealed to be Nora, the Pre-War American had grown accustomed to the Wastelander life though still had yet passed the deaths of both her husband and son. The growing demons inside her always meddled with her though fortunately William had been there to stave them away.

Seeing the familiar face, the robots continued their duties in configuring devices and moving items. Nora walked to William as he continued going through the Zetan code.

"Isn't the home you have in Sanctuary good enough? It's two stories high and has a basement, what more do you need?"

"Such devices that I have and will have are highly dangerous and volatile to the everyday Wastelander. It is better and far safer for everyone if I shall have my own underground facility."

"And allow you to stay underground for God's know how long? Will, I know you, I know how long you can go without going out for food and water. Remember the time you had to make a code that the Institute couldn't hack?"

"Yes. I remember that time where I jury rigged a RobCo computer to be advanced enough to modify the code of the firewalls of my robots. Institute never figured out a way past it and I doubt anyone will be capable of doing so."

A laugh escaped Nora's lips as both legendary figures reminisced about former memories and earlier adventure.

"You know?"

The Wanderer replied, keeping his focus on the Zetan code in front of him.


"When I first met you, I thought you were just some wandering Wastelander like the regular people we've met on our trip through the Commonwealth but I realized that you were and are far more than what you perceive."

At that, the Wanderer took his focus off the code and looked at Nora.

"My curiosity demands me to ask you to further explain."

"Explain what?"

"What you mean by my perception to others."

"Well first off, when I first met you, I thought you were some Vault-Tec person cause of Pippy. Yet when I noticed the weapons you had on you I then thought you were apart of some Military Division that worked with Vault-Tec.

Eventually, I asked you what you were and you know the story. Basically, throughout the time I've known you, Will, you've always given this image of being normal; you only stand out when you show your talents but if you wanted to, no one would suspect you of being out of the norm of the Wasteland."

"My mind may not be capable of comprehending your words without them being explained in further detail yet I must ask again."

"You stupid cyborg."

Nora remarked, the Wanderer, said in reply.

"I may have some synthetic and cybernetic enhancements and modifications on me, Nora, but I am more human than you think I am."

"It's just a way for me to call you, Will."

"Well if your mind asks for permission than you may call me anything you wish as long as it is not derogatory and or inappropriate."

"Anyway, what I meant was, you're special, Will. From what I've seen and heard from both the Commonwealth and your history throughout the west and east coasts, you're the best hope we have in rebuilding human society.

I just wish I'll be there to see it since you're practically immortal."

A giggle came after Nora said the last words. A smaller and faint chuckle came from the Wanderer.

"A single man can only do so much but I strive to do the most."

"That's why I stuck with you."

"Then I thank you, Nora, for being my companion these last few years. I hope that you shall be a capable and good leader for the Union and that you shall send it on a path of success and growth."

A small frown crept onto Nora's face at the Wanderer's words, the Wanderer was quite perplexed as to what he had said to garner a negative feedback from the woman.

"What do you mean?"

Nora's words came strong as her voice was heavy and sharp like a hammer that went down on the Wanderer.

"What do I mean in what context?"

"What I want you to explain to me is what do you mean by 'me' being a good and capable leader?"

"Is it not common courtesy to give blessings to those close to you? I only wish you the grea-"

The Wanderer was cut off as a slam on his desk resonated through the silent facility. The perpetrator was in front of him with cold blue eyes staring at his green.

"You said we'd lead the commonwealth together! So what if the Institute is now gone?! I need you! I wasn't born to lead, I was a lawyer before the war! You! You were chosen to be the next overseer of your vault!

You are far more experienced and qualified for leading the Union, you'd make the Commonwealth a better place compared to the hell that the war made the world. I mean, hell, you might make the Commonwealth into a better place than what it was before the bombs fell!

If I were alone, I might make the Commonwealth worse than what we found it in in the first place."

The sudden emotional outburst of Nora had completely shocked the silent Wanderer, in the entirety of their history together, he had never seen such anger in the woman in front of him.

"Believe in yourself, Nora, forgive me or don't forgive me, I cannot and will not lead the Union. To the peoples of the Commonwealth, I am an outsider, an enigma that came to their aid because my morals demanded for me to help them.

And I am needed elsewhere, throughout my travels, I have made many friends who lead their own nations. Might I remind you that I assisted in the creation of the Free State of New Vegas?

I helped the fractious Nine Settlements of Louisiana to unite under one banner to create a greater society for themselves. I made the Brotherhood of the East Coast into what it is today, without me, God forbid, Sarah and her family would be rotting under the rubble of the Citadel.

You won't be alone in your endeavours, you have the council to aid you, the friends and allies we've made throughout our travels. Preston is already assisting you in the clearing of Mirelurks and Super Mutants in many areas of the Commonwealth.

Curie is spearheading the medical technology of the Union. Hancock will guide you in what to do, he was mayor of Good Neighbour so he has experience in leading.

You must not rely on me to do what you think you cannot do. I shall help you find any way to lead you to the right path."

Both had their eyes fixated on each others as they waited for the other's next action. It was then when Nora placed her hands on the desk.

"You're right. I'm sorry for what I said and sounding so selfish. I just thought you'd at least stay for a while to help me get into the groove of things."

"In my honest opinion, Nora, you already are in the 'groove' of things."

Then silence reigned once more in the facility. The Wanderer returned to his research while Nora, who had been given a chair, now sat beside the Wanderer.

It would be ten minutes later when Nora would ask.

"What's that?"

She said pointing at the screen.

"Do you remember the time I told you I owned a space ship?"

"Yeah, I remember it like it was yesterday. You told me you owned a space ship while I was eating a Brahmin steak you cooked. Frankly, I thought you were crazy until we found that alien with the blaster. So is this some tech you got from the blaster?"

"To be honest with you. No. This is not from a blaster, this is from the Mother Ship of the aliens who I know are called Zetans. They came to Earth millions of years ago and through the use of cryogenic slumber, they went through those years and came upon early human civilization and studied our ancestors.

They came and went in those years but it was in the seventeenth to eighteenth centuries when they did their first abductions, a samurai by the name of Toshiro Kago was their first victim.

Eventually through when the bombs had fallen, the Zetans waited for the radiation levels to subside and when it did, they began their research.

The Zetans chose me as their first abductee after I went onto their trap to acquire the Alien Blaster that was located beside a dead Zetan.

Fast forward to after I acquired control of the Mother Ship, I took any data and code from the Mother Ship's storage and placed it into Pippy. The sheer size of the data had nearly filled Pippy's storage of a hundred geobytes.

To explain what the data and code were, I have no idea. It is in a coding language I have yet to fully decipher and understand yet I have decoded some data to learn the technologies of the Zetans and understand their motives.

The greatest technology I've decoded is their teleportation technology that which is greater than the Institute's own teleportation."

Nora sat there quite overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things she had to process from the Wanderer's words, eventually she would return ato normal after a moment to comprehend his words.

"So what is this about?"

"From my current knowledge, it is the key to opening Pandora's Box so to speak, it is a manual of the coding language of the Zetans.

Once I crack the shell then maybe, just maybe, I shall find the true meaning of understanding the Universe.

It is hopeful thinking, I know that, but I was born with the thirst for understanding, my upbringings made me so. The sudden disappearance of my father from the vault made me venture out to find answers as to why he did such a thing.

In my travels through the Capital Wasteland, I had found answers yet they trailed off to create more questions. I had found life long friends, companions, and allies; I had found great knowledge and terrible logics; fought against some of humanity's, possibly, most terrible calamities and evils.

In the two years I spent in the region, I had a life worth several others, maybe even more than several. Yet in my total span of life I always strived to understand everything; it has costed me many times but I shall not falter in my mission.

So if there is a possibility that this manual will give me the keys to the Universe's secrets then I shall do everything in my power to open it."

A small smile had crept onto the Wanderer's lips as the reminiscing of old memories, friends, and experiences gave him a sense of happiness and joy but that was quickly ended with his quick return to the code.

Nora had never truly asked what William's ambitions were, there was never a time to ask such things, each time they did have time to talk were conversations about their current situation and what they would do the next day.

There were times he had asked of her life before the bombs fell and what life was like in Pre-War America. Whenever she broached the topic on his background and past, he had always kept silent on it; Nora, out of respect, didn't continue the topic and changed to a different one.

Eventually, Nora would leave the facility though hours after conversing with the Wanderer. Returning to either the Castle or Sanctuary, the Wanderer would continue on his quest to crack the manual for multiple hours until finally drifting off to slumber on the desk.

12.12.2287 | The Facility, Boston, America

Seven days ever since the downfall of the Institute, the Commonwealth had continued on its rise to power and prominence as newly established relations with Far Harbor and trade routes down south in the Capital from Megaton and Rivet City.

These new friendships led to greater commerce and trade which lead to higher material wealth which will lead to the great renovation and expansion of the Union's settlements.

From extremely impoverished conditions of having little to no food everyday and being under constant threat by either raiders or mutants, the settlements were now capable of growing excess amounts of food with the capability to defend themselves through turret systems and organized militias.

To many of the Commonwealth's inhabitants, it was a dream they never thought of, anybody who did have such ideas were branded as either madmen or naive dreamers.

"Yet look now ye of little faith, the hordes of hell are laid low and the angels of God have arrived; rejoice in jubilation for God's eternal promise of redemption has come."

A quote coming from the Wanderer when arriving to the besieged Diamond City. One of the Wanderer's many titles and names was 'The Prophet' because of his tendency to quote a Pre-War religious text known as the Bible.

Many superstitious peoples of the Wastes who have come to meet the Wanderer had started to revere the words he said and implemented or outright started worshipping the God he preached.

This gave way to a united religious background to all people's in the Commonwealth as their belief in the Wanderer turned to believing in his God, United through both Home and Faith, a fabulous motto for the Union.

In Sanctuary, the second greatest settlement only behind Diamond City, the peoples walked through its cement road as former American suburban homes were refitted to be apartment complexes capable of fitting over twenty families, with electricity coming from the settlement's power generators and filtrated water through the water pumps of the area.

The centre of the settlement which had a massive tree, had vendors and caravans where the residents could barter and trade with caps and other materials of possible worth.

Cultivated by the Wanderer, some say Sanctuary would slowly take the spot of the "Jewel of the Commonwealth' with its easier path and safer location, caravans preferred the northern settlement to the one located in the middle of Boston where dangers still lurked, even under Union watch.

In truth, there were still some small enclaves of super mutants and raiders who survived the purge of their ilk in Boston, some were smart enough to take to the sewers and the subways while others were surviving because of pure luck.

Though with the amount of time needed to reform the Union Army, it would only be a matter of time when these enclaves would be destroyed.

Currently, in the former Institute facility, the Wanderer and all his needed laboratories and faculties were completed as only recently did the experiment chamber complete construction.

It is here where the Wanderer was usually located when the man was found in his facilities. It is usually here in the experiment chamber where he conducts his most dangerous and volatile experiments such as the experimenting of different combinations and mutations of elements.

Though this time was different, the Wanderer conducted a very dangerous and highly theoretical experiment wherein he would construct a teleportation pad, ones usually located in his facilities, and modify it to the recently translated specifications of the manual.

Only a few days ago did the Wanderer acquire the breakthrough in the code and greatly expanded his knowledge in the Zetan's technology. Each day he translated a new line of text which propelled his understanding by leaps, a week before, the Wanderer could only understand the most basic of components used in the creation of the Zetan weapons and technology yet now he understood how they worked and how he could amplify their power.

The excitement filled him so that he did not leave for several days in the chamber, the doors only opening for his robots to bring food and water in for him to consume. Were it not normalcy for him to spend days or even weeks in his home then Nora might've had someone come over and check on him.

Thankfully, she knew better. In the meantime the Wanderer was caught in the excitement and joy radiating in him, Nora had been busy up above.

12.12.2287 | Boston, North America

Nora Allgood, the vault dweller who became famous for her ability to lead people and arouse their belief in themselves, a born leader as some called her. She was famed and loved throughout all of the Commonwealth for her deeds in saving many defenceless souls and being instrumental in the destruction of the Institute.

Many say she is a living legend walking amongst them, other more superstitious peoples called her the 'Angel' from her angelic features and melodic voice; it would not be a surprise as to why such people came to this conclusion.

And even if not all loved her, everyone knew they could put their trust in her to lead them into the future. Only three years ruling as the President of the Union Council, Nora had done many things to protect and help those beneath her station.

Just outside of the dense buildings of Boston, the large complex of the Union Senate Building was located. It is here where the Senate, representatives of all settlements and communities in the Commonwealth, met and spoke of matters in the Commonwealth.

Though it is also here where the Union Council convened. The leaders of the settlements of Diamond City, Good Neighbour, Sanctuary Hills, Spectacle Island, and Bunker Hill are all members of the Council with Nora, being leader of Sanctuary Hills, is the President of the Council.

It was the end of the day as the Council had convened once again to the matter of the remaining Super Mutants and raiders in Boston's sewers and metro lanes. Once again the matter was quickly put under by Nora, John Hancock, Mayor of Good Neighbour, and Piper Wright, Mayor of Diamond City.

John Greene, Mayor of Spectacle Island, and Desdemona, Mayor of Bunker Hill, were quite disappointed by the outcome of the meeting yet showed no sign of disapproval of the notion.

After an entire day of suffering, Nora quickly went to Sanctuary to teleport to the Facility to meet and talk with her cave friend.

12.12.2287 | The Facility, Boston, North America

Walking through the newly renovated hallways of the facility, Nora looked at all the rooms filled with either large storage cases which held devices and hardware she couldn't even think of wrapping her head around.

And others which had cabinets worth of different vials and beakers of different liquids that she'd rather forget ever seeing.

Walking further into the facility to the centre of it all where a teleportation pad was located. Nora stood on the pad as words formed in her head: [Down?].

Thinking of down, her form immediately disappeared and reappeared the exact second and got to the second of four floors. Going to the fourth floor as the second floor was a storage floor and third floor was the personal area of Will. Finally at the fourth floor did Nora hear the voice of her friend, talking to himself about some experiment he was conducting.

Going to the source of sound, she found a large room shown to her through glass with a large metal door closed right shut. Looking into the room, she saw Will, who was in his power armour unit, behind another wall and was working on the teleportation pad.

Anxiety crept up to her as Nora knew the dangers of tampering with the pads, Will himself told her to never touch or use the pads barring from their intended use as any wrong action might lead to an overload of the energies used to teleport and cause an explosion that could yield an explosive impact of three to six megatons worth of TNT.

When she noticed Will's hands lay on the table, she knew it was the perfect time and tapped on the glass to signal to her friend that she was here. The sound of the tap got Will's attention as he slowly went out of the inner room and opened the large door which separated the two.

"Nora, what brings you here?"

His voice held that menacing and near robotic feeling in it.

"Just thought of talking to you while you work, you know?"

"Well please, come in, there's a table and a chair for you to lounge at."

He said as she trailed behind him. Inside the large room was a refrigerator, a table, a sofa, a few chairs, and a control system of sorts.

"What's that?"

"The controls to the rooms energy field and air filtration system. Please do not touch it under any circumstance barring that of me telling you to."

"Alright, I'll just crack open a Nuka-Cola and sit on the sofa or chair while you work. We can talk while you're in there, right?"

"Definitely, there are microphones and speakers that peak up all the volume inside the room."

"Alright, great."

She said as she got to the refrigerator.

* 4 Hours Later

"... when Nate sucker punched this son of a bitch right in the face, I just kicked him in the balls just for the hell of it."

"That's your first fight?"

"Well Nate did all the work, I was just there to watch."

Three hours before, Nora found out that the freezer had an assortment of purified alcoholics and booze. Seeing this, Nora had to have two shots of Whiskey in the name of her husband and the son she never got to see grow up then eventually the two shots turned to three then four and then one bottle became three bottles of whisky and now a bottle of wine.

"How about you, big guy? What was your first fight, huh?"

"Hehe... Feels like yesterday. When I was sixteen, in our vault or every vault that operated normally, they had these tests that every sixteen year old would have to determine their place in society."

"Really? Well thank God I never had to go through that shit."

"Hah. Thank God indeed. Anyway, out of fear or anxiety, my younger self tried to play sick to my father and found that to be stupid as he was the vault doctor. Eventually when I was walking to the vault's classroom, I found Butch, the vault bully, hitting on Amari, a close friend at the time, cornering her to the wall with his two friends and gang mates surrounding her."

"This sounds like a movie I watched when I was younger! Do we have any popcorn?!!!"

"Unfortunately corn has yet to be made pure like it was Pre-War so no."

After a loud awh by Nora, the Wanderer continued once again.

"Out of pity for Amari, I stood up against Butch and beat him in a fist fight, brutally I might add, and got him and his group off of her back. That was one of my most favoured days."

Continuing on with modifying the pad, the Wanderer listened on to the ramblings of his companion outside, it had put a small smile on his face as it reminded him of his times with Sarah and Six, he had never indulged himself in such vices as he never saw the need to or the appeal to it; it dulled his senses which he needed most in times like these and being aware of your friends antics and ramblings is very hilarious.

Suddenly, BAM signalled to the Wanderer's mind that something horrific had just happened. Signals blared as the energy shields and all filtration systems in the room closed shut, the system just found something catastrophic in the room.

'NO!' The Wanderer said in his mind as he realized just what happened. The teleportation pad's energies were malfunctioning and the sheer amount of energy was slowly forming a black hole. Outside, Nora was confused and terrified as to what was going on.

"Will, what the fuck is going on?"

She asked but no answer came.

"Will? ... Will!"

Then knowing that something happened in the room, she banged on the glass between them and signalled to her friend yet no movement came from him. Inside, time itself was distorted, a bubble was created by both the forming black hole and the facility's defence system, Will looked on as Nora tried her best to understand what was happening.

All he could do was watch as horror and sorrow filled her, one cannot blame her as for what she knows, her friend was dying inside the very room in front of her and she could do nothing but watch. The Wanderer observed as slowly, the black hole formed from the teleportation pad and ate everything around him, space itself distorted as all he could see now was the black hole.

'So this is how I die? Hah. The Last Hope of Humanity... Died in his home by a black hole.'