Dr. Derrick was informed immediately after he arrived at the hospital in the morning. Without delaying a second he rushed to the ward where we were with my mom.

Her temperature was so high that I couldn't get enough sleep the previous night. Thanks to Clara who spent the night with us in the hospital.

The way my mother was coughing the previous night was unusual. I heard my heart panting heavily with fear.

I can't afford to lose her. She's everything I have in this world.

Immediately Dr. Derrick came in, he ran a check on her. My mind was unsettled. I wouldn't want to hear something like, "sorry to inform you that your mom…" I wouldn't want to complete it.

That statement can break someone's bones into pieces.

We stood silently as we waited for Dr. Derrick to tell us what was happening.

" Hmmm, her condition is getting worse." I was a bit relieved by that statement. At least, I still have hope that my mother can get healed.

Money was the problem.

"Doctor, can't you continue the treatment until I'm able to raise the money?'' That was my question to Dr. Derrick, but he pitifully shook his head and responded, "no money, no treatment. I have been expecting you to settle the bill, but you haven't. This isn't my hospital so I can decide to render service for free."

Although I could see the pity on his face, his hands were also tied. He couldn't help even if he wanted to, and I understood him.

Clara and I stared at each other. The pain in our hearts could be seen in our eyes. I turned to Dr. Derrick and spoke, " Doctor, I promise to settle this bill today, but promise me that you will do your best in treating my mother so that I won't lose her."

" Sure, why not? I have been a doctor for years, so this is my profession. I will do my best," Dr. Derrick promised.

From the confidence coming from him, I can count on him. He won't fail me.

I turned around to leave the ward and Clara held me back and asked, "who are you running to?" I knew she was going to ask this.

" To anyone that can render help to me," I responded to her, even though the person I had in mind was my wicked aunt.

Yes, I'm ready to be his puppet, I mean that man called 'Aidan.

Clara freed my hand after a minute of silence, but she warned, "just be careful. Don't do something that you will regret tomorrow,"

I nodded with an assurance that I won't do anything stupid. How I wish I won't, but I can't help it.

She was good at encouraging, warning, and advising people. Clara was the type of lady that can predict the result of your action. I can't say much about her, even though I'm her best friend.

I exited the hospital as I headed home to meet Aunt Elisa. Luckily for me, I met her at the house entrance when she was about to go out.

" Didn't I warn you not to step your feet in this house?"! She yelled and I wondered if she was the same aunt that likes pampering me when my father was alive.

I was at the verge of breaking down because of the abusive words she was using on me. " Aunt Elisa, I'm deeply sorry for disgracing you in the presence of that young man. I shouldn't have done that." my eyes were shut as I spoke.

"Do you think you disgraced me? You disgraced your shameless self and not me!" she spat every word with anger.

She angrily pushed me out of her sight, making me fall to the ground. I groan in pain, but she never cares. The mAidan came to assist but aunt Elisa stopped her from doing so.

" I'm ready for the deal," I announced courageously. She abruptly stopped on her track. A smile played on her face for a few seconds before she finally turned and said, "good girl. Now, take a bath and quickly dress up."

She spoke with a chuckle.

I was glad she didn't deny me being able to get the offer.

Offer? Anyhow you call it.

We got to Aidan's mansion filled with workers. The men were in black suits and I must say, all of them were holding guns. We were asked to wait at the gate as he got informed.

After a few minutes, we were allowed in. One of the men in black suits led us to the enormous room. On sighting us, Aidan came and welcomed Aunt Elisa with a hug. They whispered some words to each other.

That wasn't my business.

At that moment, my eyes were fixed on the ground. My heart was beating extremely fast. "We should get to business and stop this delay," I thought inwardly, not because I loved what I'm about to do, but because my mother was dying in the hospital.

I need to be fast with everything.

As I stood thinking, I saw Someone's feets close to mine. I wondered who that could be. On raising my head, my eyes came in contact with Aidan's eyes.

I immediately took my gaze away. Those blue eyes are scary. Unfortunately, his arms were already wide open as he invited me for a hug but I declined.

Aidan got tired and went back to his seat. I could feel Aunt Elisa's eyes on me. She was glaring at me in anger. To her, she has seen an opportunity of earning money from Aidan, but that wasn't my problem.

I only need help, and I wonder why he wouldn't help unless he makes me his puppet.

What a world.

" I never knew gold diggers like her have choices. She had the guts to tell me to my face that she has a lover. She couldn't have said such a thing if she knew what I needed her for. Anyways, she's here, let's please who we want to please and deny our joy."

Aidan murmured as he sat on the couch.

" Please have a seat." Aidan offered and I sluggishly walked to one of the couches and sat down. I would have been in big trouble if I didn't follow aunt Elisa to the seat, even though I don't want to.

" Let's get to business," Aidan announced and I was glad to hear that.

" Is she ready to be my puppet?"

" Yes! I will," I quickly responded even though the question wasn't for me.

Both Aidan and aunt Elisa were shocked. Aunt Elisa could have burst into laughter, but she maintained herself.

" I can see it written all over your face," Aidan spoke and then raised his hand and signaled someone.

One of his bodyguards brought some paper forms and placed them before Aidan before taking his leave.

" Here are the contract forms to sign. Once your mom is confirmed healthy and strong, you're moving into this house without any delay. Failure to do that…"

He paused and crossed his legs.

" I won't have to say it, you will see that yourself from the contract rules," he said with a chuckle.

The papers were given to me and without reading any rules, I engaged myself in signing the necessary places. They were delaying my time.

This amazes them the most. I was desperate to get my mom treated, and that's all I want. After signing, the papers were given back to him and he also signed. Everything was done within minutes.

" May I have the money please?" I asked with a calm voice. My eyes were staring somewhere else and not Aidan's. Although, he was the one I was talking to.

" Not so fast my dear. I would need to test you," that's Aidan speaking. " Huh? Test what?" I gathered the courage to look him in the eyes.

" Hmmm, stop behaving childishly." Aidan smirked and said, "Follow me to my bedroom and I will show you what I mean."