" I-I…but how?" Ruby finally spoke out hesitating as she stared at the man before her from hair to toe.

Her hand slowly dropped as she widened her mouth in shock and disbelief. She was sure of who she was pointing at earlier, and it wasn't this man.

" I'm quite convinced that this is the woman who claimed my boss's life." Mr. Austin, who just entered the house, faced Ruby as he gathered his brows together suspiciously.

Mr. Austin got informed immediately after Mr. Grayson was taken to the hospital after arriving home safely. He was shocked to receive the news from Aidan.

Of course, he needs to be informed, as he happens to be Mr. Grayson's manager.

Although he tried to meet with Aidan in the hospital; he couldn't as traffic delayed him on his way to the hospital.

He finally got the bad news about Mr. Grayson's death from Aidan; the cause of his death and the person responsible for it.