At twilight, as the day was fading, Angela could be seen at the dining table with Mrs. Celina as she fed her like a baby. This has been Angela's work since Mrs. Celina was brought back from Clara's house.

Sporadically, Clara always finds time to come and see Mrs. Celina to know if she was getting better from her condition, but Mrs. Celina's condition remained stagnant.

However, Clara doesn't go to the house anytime she wishes, but goes anytime Angela calls and informs her that aunt Elisa had gone out of the house.

It would be a serious battle between them if aunt Elisa dares to meet Clara in her father's house. Because she had warned Clara to stay away from her family. And Clara was trying hard, so she won't be caught one day. She can't afford to go back to jail. Never!

" Are you okay with the food?" Angela asked Mrs. Celina after she stopped welcoming any food to her mouth.