It was 5 a.m. and Aidan was woken up by his phone that kept ringing without stopping.

However, he didn't bother to attempt to pick up the call because he was still feeling sleepy and didn't have enough sleep the previous night.

He was exhausted because of the previous night's clubbing. Nevertheless, he was distressed because of the lady he met at the club.

Aidan knew how much they admired each other with Hailey when they were still little children and all the promises they made to each other back then. 

It has been 15 years since last they saw each other, yet Hailey hadn't forgotten him. 

Aidan on the other hand had forgotten that someone like her existed. 

Unfortunately, Hailey wasn't joking when she said she was going to marry him no matter what. 

The call finally ended but began ringing again. Aidan yawned with tiredness before rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand.