Who is he?

"Yes, this is me. Are you surprised?" Clara asked with a chuckle. 

Leonard couldn't say a word as he swallowed hard and stiffened in one position.

He couldn't help staring Clara in the eyes, and he quickly took his gaze to the ground, nervously.

"What's happening here, Leonard?" Kate inquired and lowered her gaze to Leonard with anticipation to hear what he had to say about this strange behavior because of Clara.

He ignored her and said to his bodyguards, who were already holding Romeo's arms, wide open.

"Let him go," he commanded, and they threw him to the ground.

"This is unfair," said Clara to Leonard's men. She went ahead and assisted in lifting Romeo from the ground.

After lifting Romeo from the ground, Clara took out a handkerchief and cleaned his body before wrapping her right hand across his waist and assisting him to walk.