Let the DNA test work in my favor

It was noon and Hailey was in the hospital. She pleaded with Dr. Eric, so she can discuss with him, and he agreed after so much begging.

"So, ma'am, you said you needed us to discuss something crucial. What's it?" Dr. Eric asked as he relaxed on the chair with a pen in his hand.

"Well, I'm here concerning my pregnancy," she announced to Dr. Eric, feeling nervous and scared.

Upon hearing this, Dr. Eric chuckled and shook his head. He almost knew that this is why she wanted to see him, but he decided to wait, so he could hear everything from her.

"What about that?" He asked sincerely.

"I-I…" she paused and cleared her throat as she felt a heavy gall in her throat that wasn't allowing her to speak out clearly.

Dr. Eric sat quietly as he stared at her. He wished it wasn't what he was thinking. He just had to wait patiently to hear what she had to say.

"Can you do me a favor?" she asked fearfully.