You can't outsmart me.

Ruby, on the flip side, couldn't help but inwardly praise Aidan for such a smart move, unaware that the work was done by Henrietta. She was convinced that Hailey's evil had come to an end.

The room fell silent, and the only sound echoing was Hailey's ragged breathing, calculating what to do. No. She wasn't ready to give up so easily even though the fight seemed tough to win.

"It's over, Hailey. Your game is up. And now, it's time to face the consequences." Ruby boldly announced with a slight smile across her face.

"You'll never take me down, Ruby," Hailey sneered. "I've planned for every contingency. Do you think I'm as foolish as you are?"

Ruby's eyes locked onto Hailey, her mind racing with countless questions, wondering what still gives Hailey boldness to talk. She was supposed to be pleading for mercy and not fired back at them.

"We'll see about that, darling," Ruby giggled, her hands folded across her chest.