The accident

"Here it is, the great masterpiece written by Leo Rowland." Kehlani took a seat. She handed the book to Aida.

Aida open the book and frantically flipped the pages until she got to section E: Amulets and medallions.

"It looks different from mine." Aida looked at the drawing in the book and then at her amulet. Her amulet featured a silver chain and a silver pendant with a purple gem in the shape of a diamond while the amulet in the book had a golden chain and a gold pendant with inscriptions on it.

"This book was written in the 1900s, maybe the amulet changes every century." Said Kehlani.

Aida began to read the writings beneath the drawing. "The great amulet of Danva, it's a jewel that is rumored to possess great powers. Many archaeologists have dismissed the stories about the amulet of danva as myths and have backed up their claims with evidence that proves that Danva never existed neither did the amulet."

"Hmm, so this book says the amulet of Danva doesn't exist but I have an amulet that supposedly comes from Danva and a mysterious woman keeps appearing in my dreams telling me to save Danva a place that doesn't exist?" Aida stared at the book in utter disbelief. "There's more to this than meets the eye."

"For how long have you had this amulet and where did you get it from?" Kehlani asked.

"I've been wearing it for as long as I can remember. Mum says she bought it while on a business trip to a remote village, at that time she was five months pregnant with me."

"And she never noticed anything unusual about it?"

No," Aida answered. "Many of the things my mother has told me are unclear, but I just brush them off because the more questions you have, the more uncertain you get. I tried to take this amulet off but it was stuck to my neck. I told my mother about it. She claimed she was clueless as to why it wasn't coming off."

"That explains why you never take it off."

"I'm so confused, I don't know what to do. I have a lot of questions that I need answers to, and I know if I don't the answers myself id be left in the dark for the rest of my life."

"Buzz-Buzz Buzz-Buzz." Kehlani's phone vibrated on the bedside table. She picked up the phone and her face lit into a bright smile when she saw the caller, it was Xavier, her boyfriend.

"Hey, babe." She spoke in a sweet tone.

"Where are you?" Asked Xavier.

"Ohh, God." She placed her hand on her forehead. "I forgot that you asked me to meet you at the ice cream shop. I'm at Aida's place, I'll be there soon."

"Don't keep waiting for too long. Love you."

"Love you too." She ended the call.

"Xavier says he would like you to come along, It's been a long time since he last saw you."

"I don't appreciate being the third wheel, and I certainly don't enjoy watching people smooching or serenading each other with sweet words." Her arms folded and her face contorted in disgust.

"When will you fall in love?"

"When pigs fly." Aida retorted.

"You never cease to amaze me." Kehlani chuckled. "Cupid needs to pay you a visit."

"I'd whoop his ass and have the guards throw him out if he dared to come here."

"I'm patiently waiting for the day you'll fall In love, I'd tease you and remind you about all the times you said, "Keh, love isn't in my dictionary, i'll never fall in love."

"I still stand by my words."

"Only time will tell, I do not want to keep my baby boo waiting, take your bath and get dressed you are going with me whether you like it or not." Kehlani pulled a reluctant Aida by her arm and shoved her inside the bathroom and closed the door.

******* *******

Esme's ice & coffee

Aida and Kehlani walked into the shop. They were greeted by the warm air with a coffee smell, mixed with the smell of chocolate and cakes. Kehlani spotted Xavier waving to her from the back of the cafe. They walked up to him and then took their seats.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Kehlani apologized.

"You know I can never get mad at you." He gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Here we go again." Aida rolled her eyes. "Could you guys comport yourself, people are watching?"

"Aida, you haven't changed one bit, still that Anti-cupid." He chuckled. "It's been a while since I last saw you. How have you been?" Xavier asked.

"I'm good. Just trying to figure out this thing called life. How about you?"

"I'm good too." He responded. " So what would you guys like to have so we can order?"

"Medium coffee with some donuts." Said Kehlani. "How about you Aida, what would you like?"

"A cup of Americano," Aida replied not taking her eyes off her phone.

Kehlani ordered the coffee. Ten minutes later, The barista returned with their orders. Kehlani and Xavier talked and laughed as they sipped their coffees.

Aida picked up the cup absentmindedly and took a sip. She spat it out, they had given her a cup of cappuccino, and she disliked It. They had messed up her order.

"Waiter, waiter!!"

"I doubt he can hear you. You can just return it and complain to that lady at the counter," Xavier suggested.

Aida picked up the cup. Her attention was on her phone as she walked to the counter. She had found an article on the net that was talking about ancient amulets that had been unearthed by archaeologists.

Aida's foot brushed up against a chair, throwing her off balance, and she collided with the man in front of her, spilling her coffee all over his shirt.

"I..m so sorry. I did...." Her voice trailed off as she lifted her eyes to meet a pair of dark hazel eyes.

"Blind people shouldn't be left without a guide." The red-haired gritted his teeth, his cold masculine voice jolting her back to reality.

"I-i didn't mean to pour on you." She stuttered. Aida pulled out the handkerchief from her pocket and offered it to the red-haired man. "Please take it."

"Sorry doesn't solve the problem." He clicked his tongue, his voice held anger. "Devouring you as payback would be so much fun." He scoffed, a sly smile on his face as he turned and walked away.

Kehlani tapped her lightly on her shoulder startling her. "What were you thinking walking with your eyes to the ground? Are you ok?"

"Y-yes." Aida managed to say. She kept staring in the direction of the red-haired man until he disappeared out of her sight.