Cheers to a new beginning!

Cheers to a new beginning!

All except Kieran lifted their glasses in the air, clanked them against one another, and took a sip out of it before setting it down on the table.

Queen Aurora beckoned unto a maid who had come with her. In the maid's hands was what looked like a gift basket. She ordered the maid to hand it over to Queen Annalise, who gladly received it.

"King Rufus and I will be marking our thirtieth anniversary tomorrow and we've decided to celebrate it in grand style by throwing a luxurious party would be honored to have the Reginald household at the party." Her eyes were on Kieran as she spoke.

Kieran who had not touched his food or drink picked up the glass and downed its contents in one gulp. He signaled to a maid and she poured him another drink. He gulped it down like he had done with the first one.