What happened to me?

The rays of the sunlight seeped through the curtains, and they danced on Kieran's face. He tossed and turned in bed due to the disturbance until he was forced to open his eyes.

He sat up, propping himself against the bed frame. Not only that, but he held his throbbing head in his palms.

What happened last night? Where am I? He asked no one in particular as he stared round the room. This wasn't Xanthes, he was very sure of it.

Why was his head hurting so badly? He wasn't one to drink to stupor, so why was he experiencing a hangover?

He lifted the duvet, and he stared at his nakedness with wide-eyed shock. Why was he naked? What happened? Why couldn't he remember anything?

"Argggh" He groaned in pain. The more questions he asked, the more his head throbbed.

There was a slight knock on the door before it opened and a maid carrying clothes entered the room.