you're what?

"I'm pregnant," Faila dropped the bombshell.

Lorelei, who had just taken a sip from her glass spat it out. Not just her, Zelda chocked between a mouthful of rice. She reached for a glass of water and gulped down its content in one go.

The kings and Queens were not left out of the shockwave. King Reginald, who had just scooped up a spoonful of coleslaw, arrested it halfway before it got to its final destination. The Queens, Octavia, and Matilda turned abruptly, almost snapping their necks in the process, to face Faila who watched everyone take in the news.

Rosette had a blank expression on her face as she stared at her sister, who stared back at her without blinking an eye. Her little sister had really grown into something else. Whether she was shocked, angry or confused, one couldn't tell because she was the only composed person at the table that one could have sworn she knew beforehand what Faila was going to announce.