The winners

Aida, who had gone up to the stage in the midst of all the drama, tapped the mic in her hand three times to get their attention.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen; sorry for the interruption." She apologized. "Everyone seated here must know who I am, but I'll go ahead and introduce myself. I am Aida Khai, a former competitor in this year's Historypedia."

"Because I said former doesn't mean I lost and my school was sent away, no! I was accused of cheating," she said. "Cheating?" She repeated contemptuously. "I was disgraced on this very stage for something I knew nothing about!" She inhaled deeply to calm her raging emotions.

"We're fucked," Alodie swallowed audibly.

"Evergreen University are cheats and should be banned from this competition." Melissa yelled from within the crowd.

"That tout!" Alodie cursed at her.