3 - The Heist

When Rhen awoke, the sky was at the very brink of dawn. She yawned, stretching her arms, letting her top expose her creamy waist. She didn't feel tired, not one bit. Instead her heart thrummed with thrill. She imagined herself, Stone in hand, slipping from the very grasp of Moon Warriors and dissolving into the shadows of the city. Her fingers danced on top of the blanket, brimming with energy.

It was because of this that it took her a full minute to notice William sitting on the stool again. Her hand snaked towards her bag and in a flash she was brandishing her dagger.

William had a book in his hand and he didn't need to look up to notice this scene. "Calm down, girl. It's only me."

"Only you?!" Rhen shrieked. "We aren't friends! You cannot appear in my house whenever you please. Are you stalking me, you creep?"

"What I am doing is trying to save your goddamn life. Give me your hand-" William demanded smoothly, getting up and gliding over to the bed.

Rhen took a few seconds to consider his request. He waited patiently as she raised her hand and placed it in his. He tried not to let his emotions show on his face. Her skin was smooth and cool, he wished to hold it in his for some time. However, he quickly laced a bracelet around her wrist and let go.

"What is this?" She asked curiously, twisting the bracelet around. It had a beautiful emerald sewed to the front. She faintly suspected that it was made by him but didn't see fit to ask.

"I have imbued this with a spell. However it can only be used once so save it for when you truly need it. When in grave danger or… whenever you see fit, smash the stone with your foot and I will appear for you. Anywhere, anytime. Use it if things go wrong today at the Tower." He said quietly.

"I thought I was to be killed at the first sign of danger? Does your father approve of this?" She asked, her eyes digging into his, searching for something. An answer, perhaps? Or perhaps a hint.

"My father needn't know about everything. Consider this our secret. One last chance, if today doesn't go our way." He said, his voice narrowing down even further.

She rubbed a finger over the shiny stone and smiled softly, "Thank you, William."

He returned the smile, their eyes shimmery in the oncoming rays of the newborn Sun. Suddenly the spell was broken.

"Now onto a few rules!" He stated firmly, taking a step back. "And these you must remember with your life, you understand? First, you must not touch the stone with your bare hands. Ever. It is kept wrapped in a celestial cloth and that is how you will bring it for us. If you touch it, you will have to pay the price."

"What price? It's just a Stone-"

"Never touch it with your skin, Rhen. That's it. Second, when you return you will hand the Stone to me. I'll be waiting by the port and the second I get the thing you will be paid and I will be on the way. Understood?"

"Understood. Let's get into it, shall we?" She laughed brazenly. The fire of excitement was burning her from top to toe now. This is exactly what she had been training for her whole life.

She slid her new leather bag over her shoulders and pulled on her cloak. When she was done, William was long gone.

'That guy needs to practice his goodbyes.' She sighed.


The next hour rushed along in a blur. This part she was well familiar with. She quietly tiptoed inside the castle through the gates. The walk there had been uneventful, the trees swayed gently with the breeze and the city lay quiet in slumber.

'The calm before a storm, eh?' Rhen thought before pushing herself atop the railing. The spells that would have fried witches and wizards didn't affect her at all as she slipped down onto the castle grounds. Her nerves began shaking a little. She fingered the emerald bracelet in her hand gently. The coolness of the gem brought some sense of calm.

With a deep breath, Rhen leapt forward. Her mind raced ahead, mapping out her plan seconds before her feet carried her there. It was strangely quiet but she didn't stop to notice.


She stood in front of the golden chambers. Getting there was surprisingly easy, maybe it was just her luck that the guards on duty had probably snuck off for a drink. A bright smile was threatening to break loose on her face but she resisted. She wasn't in the clear yet.

It was dim in the castle, she had crossed rows of fancy bedrooms and living areas to get to a winding staircase which led her right to the treasure. If she was being honest, she would have hoped for the great minds of Edyn Towers to hide their precious treasures better but who was she to complain?

She suddenly wished William were here to witness such a triumphant moment. She had done it! And all that was left was to open the golden doors and take it.

And that's what she did. She stretched out an eager hand and grabbed hold of the giant door.

As soon as skin made contact with metal, all hell broke loose.