3. To be a Dreamer...

Her hair, the glossy lush of gold that spread out on the pillow, entangling him up in its enchanting snare. Her naked skin was smooth and soft as cream silk, binding him to touch every inch of her. Her eyes were as green as the Colombian Rough Emeralds, just looking into them had him spellbound to her.

Her perfect frame, warmly wrapped up in his huge muscles, buried deep inside his arms. Her full rounded breasts pressed into his chest, one hand over her shoulders, and the other played on her hips.

She meant the world to him. She was his first and most definitely his last as he'd always say. The way she loved, nobody could ever love like that.

"I Love You." He says, pulling her deeper into his embrace as if she had previously tried to escape from him. "I know." She replies, lifting her head from his chest, stretching up a little as she located his lips, claiming it as soon as she found them.

Her hands massaged his chest romantically. Lords! how he loved this woman. He was crazy for her.

"You should sleep more." She advises. "You're always out working, so you should rest more. And also quit drinking, you'll really destroy all the functioning organs in your body. Also, stop… mmph" he didn't let her finish her words, he eagerly claimed her lips, seizing the words right from the tip of her tongue.

"Don't nag me in bed." He kisses her nose. "Just kiss me," he places another kiss on her left cheek, and low muffled giggles escape her lips. "and then give me you, over and over again. Till we're both numb and almost lifeless." He squeezed her bum in his hands, and kissed her all over her neck and shoulders, causing her to squirm and giggle underneath him nonstop.

"But you just had me, and I'm already numb." She whispered. "but I'm not." He tickles her, causing her to laugh and wiggle like a worm in salt. "and I don't think you are either."

"But you have to go now." She says, and he stops tickling her, his eyes meeting hers. His fingers moved her hair from her face. "I don't have any appointments, so I can stick with you all day long." He counters.

"Tsk. You block-head." She was the only living person on the planet earth who could call him that, and even top it up with a knock on his head, and still live to tell the tale.

"She's going to kill you if you tell her you forgot about her birthday party. Again" she says, and he looked at her like she was just talking crazy, he had no idea what she was talking about.

"Who? What birthday party?"

"Your Piccola Luna." and now that she said it, he just remembered. True, no one else could talk to him anyhow they pleased as she did, but now that she said it, he realizes there actually is someone else. The girl was a crazy little thing. She always behaved how she wanted, no one could make her do anything if she didn't want to.

She was the only other person who could call him a blockhead and get away with it. She was his pretty little thing. His Piccola. His Piccola Luna.

Luna DeFalco.



Chapter 1-3 Epilogue...

"Do you Zeno Silvestri take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to have and to hold, to love and comfort her, honor and respect her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, in the good and bad times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her alone from this day forward and till death do you part?"

" I do." His face could tear any moment now, the smile was just enormous.

"Do you Dan-a Laurel take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to have and to hold, to love and comfort him, honor and respect him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, in the good and bad times…"

"I DO!!" There was an out roar of laughter as she heaved with joy, obviously not ready to wait for the questions to be asked. Her grin was even wider than his.

"Looks like we have a very impatient bride." the Reverend says, causing an uproar of laughter in the hall. "Well then Mr. Silvestri, please take your ring and place it on her finger, as you do so, repeat after me." Zeno instantly collects the ring from Marco who stands next to him.

"With this ring"

"With this ring"

"I, wed thee."

"I, wed thee." He said as he slid it on her finger, bringing his lips on her knuckles, placing a kiss where the ring rested.

"Our almost Mrs.," he turns to Dan-a "Take your ring and repeat after me as you place it on his finger."

"With this ring"

"with this ring." Damn! her smile could kill a man.

"I, wed thee."

"I, wed thee."

"May the Lord be at the center of your lives, may he grant you all that your heart desires. And by the power vested in me by God and the Church, I now pronounce you... Husband and Wife. Mr. Silvestri, show Mrs. Silvestri the real way to seal the wedding vows with a binding kiss."

And kiss her he did. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he laced their lips together, making a promise in his heart to her and God to love her and her alone for the rest of eternity…

They walked down the aisle together, greeted by family and friends.

" Papa." He says, greeting the man who was a father figure to him. "Zee my boy, finally, you've been tied down." the man said, pulling Dan-a in a gentle hug, kissing both her cheeks.

"I don't see Luna around, where is she?" Zeno asks, looking around for her, just last night, she had clung to him begging him not to get married, saying he would forget her if he did.

"Where do you think? The guy she's had a crush on since forever, and her typical kind of future husband is getting married, she's been crying her eyes out non-stop. It took a lot of effort to stop her from ruining your perfect wedding." the elderly man said, causing them all to laugh.

"DAN-A!" a voice sounded from amidst the crowd.

"O-oh! The Crazy one is on the loose." the elderly man said, instantly moving away, to avoid getting hurt by his own daughter.

All eyes turned towards where the voice came from, people clearing the way until there was a clear path between her and the just-wedded couple.

Dressed in black leather Jean and jacket, and black boots to match, her dark hair was disheveled, and her mascara had formed some kind of weird map on her face. She had obviously been crying for a while now. Making her look like a little cute devil.

That was her right there… his pretty little troublemaker.