15. I'm sorry...

"S_Sixt_ I mean _Eighteen"... BAM! A punch straight to the center of his abs brought him bending down to her level, and she landed another punch on his hard jaw, sending him staggering back, not because she was that strong, but because she was strong, and it was unexpected and packed with anger.

"I can't believe you, you rotten bag of beans, how could you not know how old I am? We've been living together since I was five, we literally grew up together, and you say I'm eighteen? Hell, you even came to my birthday party last week, and you don't even know my age. You overgrown gorilla," she kicked him in the leg with her boot, and he bent down again, and she landed another slap on his head.

He didn't know where to hold, his head or his leg.

"I just turned twenty-three, and you think I'm sixteen!" He looked up at her with serious surprise in his eyes, he knew that years had passed, but he didn't realize that years had passed so much. When did she ever turn twenty? And now she says she's twenty-three!

" Twenty-three? I didn't realize." His eyes moved from her face, and trails down just below her shoulders. How could he know this, when she looked like a middle school student?

"What are you looking at?" she flings both her hands over her chest protectively, and lands another kick on his leg, causing his gaze to shift from her chest. "Sorry, I wasn't staring, but it's really not my fault, they are just so small, it's like they are not even there, so it's hard to believe that you're older than thirteen." Maybe he really should have followed his mother's advice and just kept his mouth shut since he didn't have something good to say.

The anger was bursting in her veins, and her face was instantly coloured from the shock at first, and then shock turned to shyness, and shyness turned to fury, and fury turned to hurt, and the color in her face disappeared. She knew this fact that he only saw her as a little sister, but she didn't realize he thought she was so little.

But he was right, she was no different from a middle schooler. She used the smallest of A-cup bras, whereas Dan-a was endowed in every area, she was nothing compared to the woman in his heart.

"Let's go home." she whispers into the air, and slides into the car, and not until they drove back home in utter silence did he realize his words must have hurt her badly, even though he didn't mean to.

It was always like this, he never knew how to say the right things, and that was probably why his mother always told him to shut up if he didn't have anything nice to say.

"Piccola I_"

"I'm tired, I want to sleep." she says and walks away, not giving him the chance to say whatever it was that he had to say. He just stood there and watched until her figure faded out of view.

"Zeno, you should get ready," Marco, who had just arrived some minutes earlier, said. Zeno nods compliantly, taking one last look at the direction she had gone before walking away into his room.

He had other matters to handle at the moment, like the problem with Frankie Carbone, a former member of The Hoard.

The Hoard, it was a group of ten affluent and high status people. Usually eleven in number, until former member Frankie Carbone decided to go against the Mafia boss and run things on his own. But that was not the problem. The problem was the kind of crimes he committed, they were the kind of things Zeno stood against.

Yes, he was the crime boss, but there were some things he never dirtied his hands with, things like kidnapping, and human trafficking, and taking of young girls and selling them off to perverted pedophiles. All these things he was disgusted with, and all these things Frankie Carbone was into.

Running some huge casinos, making sure that gamblers that came into his casinos didn't leave with a full pocket, taking care of some scum of society, money laundering, and some other kind of organized crime were how Zeno made his billions, but never through human trafficking.

He also made it his rule to never involve women and children in his feud with a person. Never involve the family, even if he threatened a person with their loved ones, he never really went anywhere near them. His business was with a person, and not the person's family.

IN the last meeting with The Hoard, he'd made it clear to them that whoever was still in contact with Frankie, and was doing business with the man should come clean before the next meeting, or else face the consequences. He could easily kill the man and just end the whole thing, but Frankie still had major influence in some places, and it might end in an all out war between gangs.

So first, he'd have to break his wings, and when he's no longer able to fly, then_ then he'd end him.

"Are you ready?" Marco asks as Zeno steps out, neatly dressed up in a white suit, matching it with a black mask to cover his face. He'd been the Mafia King for some years now, but the members of The Hoard didn't know his face, except for Edoardo, who was also one of the members.

"Let's go." Majestically, they walk out of the house together, but just as they were about to step into the car,_

"Marco, hold on a sec, let me check on Luna." He says and instantly runs off, he could not think straight knowing that he'd hurt her. It was always like this, if ever he was the cause of her depression, he'd never feel alright until he set things straight. And now, he needed to set things straight to be able to function at the meeting later on.

*KNOCK*KNOCK* She heard the knock on her door, and she had a feeling she knew who it was, so she ran from near the window where she'd been gazing off, to her bed and under the sheets, covering herself up and pretending to be asleep.

"Piccola, I can hear you running in there, so I'm coming in." He states, and he turns the door knob and pushes the door open, taking the mask off his face as he walks into her room.

Slowly he approached her bed, she was all covered up, from head to toe, and a soft smile tugged the corner of his lips. Gently, he sits on the side of the bed…

"I'm sorry." were the first words he said, and her grip on the sheets over her face loosened. "It's not because of you, you're not the reason why I_ I mean, it's not because of your body size that I don't know your age, it's all just me. I wasn't paying attention. I didn't realize how much time had gone by, I guess I just thought that__ ehn_ that things were like ten years ago, so don't mind a word I said back there, you know you're perfect just the way you are." He tenderly pulls the sheets from her face. He leans in closer to her, and places a kiss on her forehead, and in syncing breaths, with her eyes still closed, she drowned herself in his scent, taking in the feel of his lips on her head.

"Sweet dreams, My Little Luna" he says and Lords! She liked it when he called her Piccola, but she loves it even more when he says My Little Luna. It sounded more personal, more private, more intimate. Calling her his little moon made her feel like she belonged to him, and that was all she really wanted.

To be his.



Chapter 12-15 Epilogue.

Earlier that day...

How to make the man I love look at me; this was what she had spent the early hours of her morning searching for on the internet.

"Maybe I'm not typing in the right words; How to seduce the man I love." were the next words she typed onto her laptop. All she needed were tips on how to make him love her back, tips on how to look beautiful so he'd notice her as a worthy woman.

"If you're always clinging to him before, put a slight distance between yourselves now," she read out loud. "they say a person never values or notices what is right under their noses until that thing leaves, so try staying away from him for a while, that way he'd miss you and realize how much he wants you." Luna didn't like this idea one bit.

"What the hell is this one saying? I'm trying to seduce him, not breakup when I haven't even started dating him yet. Tsk. The person who wrote this thing does not even have sense. He'll only notice me if I stick around him like glue." She hissed and moved on to the next site.

"Start doing the things he likes." she read out loud again. A smile rose to her face as she liked what this site was saying. "step two, make yourself present in almost every place he is, step three, take something from his personality, maybe like the kind of products he uses and use it too, or you can make a part of you like a part of him too, as a sign of your love for him. If he has bright eyes, you can dye your hair color to match his eyes, that way he'd notice you." She nods to herself.

She likes this person's idea, the person didn't sound like a stalker at all, the person made perfect sense. The person knew exactly what he or she was talking about, he or she most definitely did not sound like a pervert.

"I've decided, I'm going to dye my hair the color of Zee's eyes. I'll dye my hair blue."