12. She stresses me.

"Zee, you have a meeting with The Hoard tonight." Marco reminds him as he went through some documents in his study. "I know," he simply nods. "Marco, is there still no lead on the ones who attacked Piccola?" It was rather baffling, it usually didn't take them too long to figure out this kind of situation, but somehow, the people who had attacked her were really good at covering their tracks.

"N_No Zee, nothing at all. It seems like they just vanished, like they disappeared with the wind. There's not even a single trace of them anywhere. Nothing." Marco explains, hoping that he didn't ask any further.

Zeno knew he had to find them. He had to find out who it was that dared to order an attack on Luna DeFalco. He needed to find out this information so he could prevent any future problems.

"Alright, keep trying to track them down." He orders, and Marco nods compliantly. "oh! and Marco, get me a girl after the meeting is over. You know what she's to look like." Marco just nods a yes.

"Sir, the Madam says she's ready to go out." Little Johnny comes and gives his report. It was said in the house that he was small, but he had the sharpest eyes, so Zeno had put the young man in charge of keeping an eye on that little mischief of his. Yes, there were cameras all over the place, but nothing was too much when it came down to that girl.

"Where the hell is she going again? She's been out almost all day long, what does she want again?" The girl was driving him nuts. She's just been here for two days, and it felt like two years. She was draining his life force. "She stresses me... She really, seriously, stresses me." He hisses.

"Sir, she said something about wanting to do her hair." Little Johnny explains further, causing Zeno to let out a loud frustrated breath. "It hasn't even been three hours since we got back from shopping, why didn't she just do it then," dramatically controlling his breath with his hands, he tried calming himself down.

"DK! Let's go already! You're always acting like you're busy, I know you're not, so let's go now, I need to do my hair." Dressed up in her all black attire as usual, she stood there like a little dark elf on an assignment to torment him.

"Piccola, you can do that tomorrow, it's already getting late. You've been running around like a car without brakes since morning, aren't you tired?" He had promised her father to take care of her, and even without the promise to Edoardo, he would do almost anything for this little devil that stood before him.

No, not almost anything. He'd do any and every thing for her.

"No I'm not. And you don't have to come with me. I can go by myself. I don't think the people who are after me would be watching my every move. It's not like there might be a killer in the salon." She knew just what to say to get him out of his seat. "Fine, let's go... Little witch" He swore underneath his breath as he stood up from where he sat and walked over to her. "Ladies first" he dramatically points at the door with a low bow, and she tosses her hair over her shoulders with the back of her hand, a somewhat suppressed smile curling up the side of her lips.

#She was the meanest cat, in old Chicago town# he sang in a low voice as he walked out with her, and she turns to him immediately "Boney-M__ MaBaker" She proudly says the name of the song and the singer, and he just shakes his head in agreement.

"Marco, I'll be back before nine. Make every arrangement for the meeting by then." He orders before following behind her.

"I'll drive." He takes the keys from the driver who he had assigned to her and gets into the driver's seat, Luna diving in next to him. "Silver's Shine, right?" he asked, as he turned the key, and the rumbling sound of the car's engine resounded in the air. "You, you even know the name of the salon I go to?" Shocking, was this fact to her as she knew he kept a close watch on her, but she had no idea he knew such little unimportant details.

"Piccola, I even know the names and house addresses of every single person that works there. I'll have to do a perfect job if I'm to keep a close watch on my little troublemaker." His palm gently lands on her head, causing her cheeks to instantly rush with red as he playfully ruffled her hair, her fingers trembling again.

They were so close, he touched her all the time, and yet each and every time, she felt like her heart would burst with anxiety. His touch was soothing, calming, and yet heart throbbing. She'd fallen deep for this man, she knew for years, but with every touch, every half-smile he gave her, she was reminded of this fact. She'd fallen a long time ago, and she was never getting out.