36. Pretty Dancer...

"What's that sound?" Marco wondered as he reached the door to his apartment, and it sounded like some kind of orchestra was playing inside his house. A knowing smile crawled up his lips as he turned the doorknob open, and his smile only grew wider the second he set his eyes on her.

Jumping and heaving like a kangaroo, spinning round and round like the ceiling fan, in his clothes... So hot!... He muttered to himself.

He often wondered what she did whenever he was away.

Now he knows.

She didn't even notice his presence, it was like she was in a world of her own, an entirely different world that she clearly enjoyed being in, and he equally loved watching her.

Up and down she jumped, round and round she spun, and it was almost funny that she didn't see him standing right there. He knew the piece that was playing, it was Yanni's ``Marching Season, and it was quickly coming to an end, and so was her dancing.

So was beautiful, the way her hair swerved, and her hips swayed, the light in her eyes as she danced... Everything about her was beautiful in his eyes.

One big leap, a little twirl, and then another little jump, and a bit of toddling on her toes, another jump, and a long twirl, and then she toddled again, and slowly, slowly she twirled, curling slowly to the ground as she twirled, and she reached the floor, and laid down with so much grace. It was a beautiful finish.

A resounding round of applause echoed throughout the place "I didn't know I had a dancer in my house," he applauded, and she spun around instantly with both shock and amusement, her face flushing at the sight of him.

"You're back earlier than usual. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make so much noise, I didn't know you'd…"

"Did I ask for an apology? I often felt like you'd be bored all alone inside this place, since you refuse to go out and get some fresh air, but I'm glad you're having fun." He moves closer to her, helping her up to her feet. "And besides, it was the most amazing performance I've ever seen."

If only the lips could be torn apart while smiling, then her mouth would have been as wide as a bowl by now. "And how many have you seen?" she dared asking.

He looks at her, wondering whether to tell her the truth or just be cool… "Not that many. But yours is the first I've sincerely watched." He decided to work with the truth, and she loved it. "I'm just confused. It was beautiful, but I just don't know what it was, salsa, ballet, tango, or tarantella. Which was it?"

"Uhh, all__ of the above" it was more of a pondering question than an affirmation.


"Since when did you dance?" He moves to the kitchen and takes some water.

"Well I used to take dance classes before__" she suddenly gulped down hard, suddenly she could not raise her head to meet his gaze anymore. "That was a long time ago." she simply says. The light in her hazel eyes seemed to have died all of a sudden, and he hated that he asked.

"Come on, let's go shopping." He suddenly declares, and her head shot back up immediately, looking straight at him.

"You have so much clothes, what do you need more for?" she wondered out loud.

"You can never have too much." He cooly says. "But we're not going shopping for me. We're going to get you some things." He simply says, and she instantly runs over to his side, standing face to face with him. Lords! She was so close, so close that he could smell the scent of his shampoo coming from her hair.

" Why?! Why do you need to get me clothes?"

" W_Well because you don't have clothes" He stuttered, trying to keep himself in control, and walked away from her tempting figure, but she tiptoed right back to his side.

"But I'm wearing yours, or are you angry that I'm wearing them? They are really comfortable, so if you're not angry that I'm wearing them, you don't need to get me clothes."

"It's not__ it's not that I'm angry that you wear them__ You look damn sexy in them," he mutters underneath his breath. "But you can't just wear my clothes all the time. You need to have your set of clothes too. And besides, you can't wear those to a party." He points at what she was wearing at the moment.

"Party? What party?"

"You, my love," he places his hands on her shoulders and brings his head to her level. "are my date for tonight, and yes that is the reason I came back earlier today. I need to get you ready for the party."