42. Fish Net...

"Uh-uhn, No way." He instantly rebuked her... Pointing at her as she walked out of the room.

"There's no way you're wearing that__ that__ that mosquito net you call a dress. You're not going anywhere in that." He stomped, eyeing her wickedly from head to toe. What exactly was she wearing??

"What? What's wrong with my dress big brother?" she innocently asks.

"Are you out of your mind Piccola? You wanna go to a place like that looking like this huh? Where do you think you're going? A beach party? That thing barely covers your butt, and the neck is so damn low, and it's f*cking transparent. Are you going to buy something or sell something?"

He had to ask. He just needed to know. Because she looked more like she was trying to show off her body to the whole world, like she was putting herself out for auction. Her legs were to precious to be exposed like that.

"Oh big brother. It's a black dress, the day is also turning black, everything will be dark, nobody can see anything. And besides, I'm a baby, remember. You think of me as a baby, so I'm sure every other person will see me as a baby too. There's no need to be worried about what a baby girl is wearing."

Was it the extreme sweetness in her voice? Or the mocking tone she used, or the annoying fact that she was just acting like a spoilt brat, but something irked him as he watched her... Something inside of him itched to just yank her, and yeet her onto the bed, and find a way to close her mouth and keep her shut...

"Okay, that's enough Piccola, that's enough, okay. You've made your point. You're not a baby, I get it. Now stop this madness, and go put on something." He tries reasoning with her. He was sick and tired of her calling him big brother over and over again. It was just so annoying.

"OH but big brother, I love being a baby. In fact, I enjoy it. I've never felt more happy than now. Being your baby sister is just too much fun." She sweetly chortles, much to his annoyance.

"Fine! You wanna continue acting crazy, then continue. But you're not going anywhere in that. You either put on something better, or we're not going anywhere!"

"What's your problem with how I dress? Does it affect you in any way? Why are you so bothered about a child's dress?" She made sure to stress the word Child. She was not just going to get over this, that quickly. She planned on dwelling on the topic for a long long time. Anything to drive him nuts.

"Do whatever you will, say whatever you want, but you're not going anywhere in that fish net." He deadpanned. Walking over to a couch, comfortably setting himself down there, his legs crossed upon the table, his hands crossed behind his head. When he says it, he means it. They were not going anywhere without her changing those clothes.

"What the hell are you doing? You're gonna leave me here to bleed to death?"

"Luna, with or without the pads, you're gonna bleed. Just not to death. And I don't give a damn if you have them or not, you can roll around dripping for all I care, you can even paint the house red... I don't mind sleeping in the boat... But I'm not the one who will be uncomfortable. You are." He shrugs.

"I hate you." She cursed and swore as she ran into the room.

"Right back at you my love."

"Shut up!!" She yelled from inside the room. "I hate you..." She screamed over and over as she changed into something new.

"I hate you more" He proudly replies.

"Shut up... I hate you a thousand times over." She said as soon as she stepped out.

"that's a good feeling. And a good dress." He smiles sweetly and stands up. "Shall we." He points to the door, and she slams past him like she didn't see him standing right there.

"Little devil." He hissed as he followed behind her.

It was dead silent between them both. Only the whooshing sound of water slapping the bottom of the yacht, and the vrooming sound of the engine could be heard. Apart from that, it was like the boat was riding itself. The ride was about fifty minutes, and she didn't say a single word.

And Lords! He loved the silence. No big brother madness to give him a headache.

But even though his head was grateful that she was silent, something still pricked him in his chest. Something made her silence painful. It was a crazy feeling. Feeling of both relief and pain all at once.

She's really driving me nuts. He mutters.