44. He always finds me...

He wasn't going to let her get to him, and yet watching her dance with some guy made him angry, he wished to rip their hands every time they touched her, and wished to make them understand that she was off limits.

She was driving him crazy, this little devil of his. "Lord, I need a drink." He turned to the stand next to him. Maybe it was beer, or spirit, or wine, or just any booze. He had no idea, but he was sure it was alcohol on the counter.

"Give me one shot of that." He points, and the young man pours the drink into a wooden cup and slides it over to him. But then as soon as his hand lands on the cup, the question pops to his head. ``Who would drive the boat back? "Ahh! Ahh! I can't even have a drink." He whines with frustration, tossing the cup to an old man who sat next to him.

"If I can't have a drink, then it's time we get going." He turned back to look at her, but…

She wasn't there.

Stretching his neck like a giraffe, trying to find her amidst the many people that danced, he slowly stood up from the stool, now slowly walking onto the dance floor that he had refused to go onto before.

"Luna," He called out, Turning around, walking amidst the whole lot of dancers, his heart starting to take another rhythmic pattern as he was now realizing that the men she had been dancing with had disappeared too.

"If this is one of your jokes, I swear I won't forgive you this time." He swore underneath his breath. Hoping and praying that that was the case. And that she was just playing with him.

But he wasn't seeing her, he wasn't seeing a trace of her at all. Running out of the midst of dancers, he walked back into the crowded market, "Piccola!" he yelled, running up and down the place, tearing past people, looking into every corner, double checking anyone carrying a bag because she was so small that she could fit into a bag.

"Piccola!" His heart raced with fear, his entire system felt disorganized, like his bowels were turned upside-down. He could suddenly feel the harshness of the cold wind piercing right into his bones, and yet he felt hot. So hot that it seemed like he was going sick.

Every nerve in his body screamed fear, he was afraid. Afraid for her, "Luna!," afraid that something bad was happening to her as he went around looking for her, "Piccola!" afraid that it was his fault that she's gone missing, because he refused to dance with her, "Piccola!!" but most of all, he was starting to dread the possibility of not seeing her again.


"Hey little pretty pepper, don't worry, we're not the rough kind of men. We know how to treat a lady real nice and gentle. I promise, it's not going to hurt." A weird, lanky, and hungry looking man who wore a Trouser that barely fit his bony waist said, caressing her face with his fingers that looked like nylon wrapped around bones.

"And think of it, you'd be doing it with people you like. You were dancing with us earlier, pressing your hips close to our bodies, so I know you like us too. You're tiny, but I see you have good taste. I understand when a lady wants something, and you're obviously aching for a threesome, so we'll give it to you." The other man says.

"If you're gonna do a threesome, what about me huh? Am I to just watch you two having fun?" asked the one who looked like the youngest of the three.

"I guess we can make it a huh__ a huh__ what do you call it when it's four people?" the tall guy asks.

"foursome? Maybe?"

"Whatever. You can stick it down her throat, happy?"

"Yeah. I mean look at her skin, so clean and smooth. She's not from here. I can tell." the youngest said, playing with her hand like she was a toy.

"You know, on a normal day, it wouldn't take me seconds to get out of these ropes, no wait… I wouldn't have been in them in the first place, because I would have broken your necks before you even tried. But it still wouldn't take me seconds to get out of these ropes, and beat you till your mothers hear your screams from wherever they are."

"Ahh, I see."

"Is that so? Then why are you still in the ropes huh? Why is today not a normal day?"

"That's a good question. And the answer is that today, today I got a new big brother. And he can be really annoying, and hateful, and rather stupid, but he can also be possessive sometimes. And he does not like it when others put their hands on me. One time, a guy lost all his fingers. Ask me why."

"Why?!!!" They echoed together.

"Because he touched my hair. And he wasn't even my hairdresser. Can you imagine that?! So all in all, I'm not doing anything to you all because I have a big brother, and it's the big brother's duty to take care of their baby sisters."


"So I'll just sit here with you guys, till big brother comes, and saves me. Till then, you can do what you will with me."

"You think your big brother can find you here?"

"Of course, he can always find me. Always. It's like he has a special superpower, like a special kind of connection when it comes to me. He always finds me. I don't know how he does it, but he always does. No matter how far I may go, he will always appear. Always."

"Stupid! No one is coming. We're going to have you over and over and over again till we get our fill."

"Have fun boys." She says. And they scoffed, as two of them held her steady, and Lords! She hated their hands on her. It disgusted her. But she was more disgusted at the fact that he called her a child, a baby. She refused to be his sister.

And now she was determined not to move a single muscle until he came. Since he was the big brother, he should at least act the part and help his little sister in time of need.

The tall one unzipped her dress, dragging the fabric off her shoulders, when…

"Piccola!!! Luna!!!" She heard his voice, and a smile curled up her lips.

"I told you, he always finds me. Always."