48. Jealous Marco...

"M_Marco, I don't, I still think this is a b_bad idea…" she trembled, her legs shuddered nonstop, her lips quivered and she tried controlling it, but it didn't work.

But he places a calming hand over her leg, stopping them from shuddering. And then he turned her to face him, and he kissed her, slow, soft and sweet.

"Calm down," He whispers onto her lips.

"That's not calming at all. It only makes me tremble more." she confessed, and he smiled, and he nibbled on her lips some more.

"Trembling with desire is good." He says.

"We've arrived sir" the driver announces.

"Don't worry, you're with me. No one will dare talk down to you when you're standing with me." He kissed her again.

"You don't understand, those men that__that I_ that I used to work for, I heard that they were real powerful people, I've seen some of them on TV before."

"Well what makes you so sure that your ehh, former clients would be here tonight? Trust me, love, even if they are here, no one inside that hall can look down on you when you're beside me. There are only two people in the world who could even come close to talking to you in this place tonight , and one is on forced vacation, and the other, well, let's just say he's a sweet old man. Apart from these two, nobody else in there has any business with you."

"You sound so assuring"

"I'm assuring you my love. Now shall we?" She nods.

He walks out of the car, and runs over to her side, opens the door and lends her a hand. Beautifully she stretched out of the car, dressed in a long coral gown, adorned with stones that picked up every light it could find. It had taken them all afternoon to finally decide on that one. For the first time in her life, Marco had forced her to play the role of pretty woman, changing costumes over and over again till he finally agreed on this one.

Her hair was nicely set in a bun, some stray strands falling beautifully on her face.

"You're just breathtakingly ravishing."

"oh please stop, you're just flattering me. And you already commented on it earlier." She blushed, he'd been complimenting her all the while, and she felt as if her face would burn with embarrassment if he continued.

"Well my love, when your beauty is never fading, why should my flattery fade? Now, shall we?" Warily, she slips her hands in his again, and he gives her that calming smile, and she puts her trust in him, and follows him in.

Never in her life had she walked into such a place before, it was all dark outside, and yet the inside was the exact meaning of blinding lights. She had thought Marco had gone too far with her gown, but now she felt like hers was not even in comparison to what hung over the bodies of the extremely beautiful women that roamed the place.

Prominent Men and women that she'd seen only on television, they were all gathered there, it took a lot of composure to not start pointing at the people she recognized from TV.

"huh!" She gasped in shock, Marco looked at her, and her face was completely red, she had a really weird look on her face.

"What? What's wrong?"

"T_Thats Enzo." she stated in a daze, trying her best not to point at the man. Marco followed the direction her eyes went, and there was a sudden dark cloud over his eyes as he saw Enzo Barone.


"What do you mean, so?" she asks, stunned at his dry response. "That's Ezno. The Enzo. He is a heart throb, every girl's desire. He is so handsome, they say he glows in light, now I know why. Look how his face collects all the light in the building. He is breathtakingly handsome."

Not minding the man that stood beside her pouting, she rained praises on the man who she'd only heard so much of, and seen only on screen.

" I mean look at how elegant he walks. Like a prince. He is so charming."

"More charming than me?" he just couldn't take it anymore. He wasn't going to be petty and compare, he was just going to take it as a fangirl praising her idol, but he just couldn't take it anymore.


"Is he more charming than I am?" he asked again in a whisper, pulling her a bit closer to his body, and she looked into his eyes and she could see nothing but pure jealousy, and she chuckled.

"Don't laugh, just yes or no. Is he more charming than I am?" He asks again.

"Well, people can be charming in different ways…"

"Don't find a way around the question, Mea, Yes or No." A sweet smile crawled upon her lips as she looked him in the eye and said…

"He's charming when I'm looking at him, Yes. But even when you're away, I'm charmed just by thinking of you. So I think I'm more charmed by you." Oh! It was impossible to hide how pleased he was with her answer. He loved it.

"Sorry to disturb you Marco," It was Enzo, and Marco instantly shifted his lady a bit to his back. And Enzo couldn't help but wonder why the man was looking at him like they had some kind of problem before.

"uhh? I just wanted to ask if you've seen Anna Marie?" he asks.

"I just got here, as you can see." Marco says, and practically drags Mea away from the spot. And when the lady waves at Enzo, he pulls her hand down, holding it firmly in place. Leaving Enzo awestruck, and Mea giggling.