50. The man who ruined her...

"DeFalco!" Duke hailed as soon as the man came into sight. And she wasn't expecting anything but, she was going to faint if this continued. "I brought you your boy." Duke says, pointing at Marco.

"Hey Old man," Marco greets with a wave.

"O_Old man? As in ``he's a sweet old man', that Old man? " she stuttered, clasping a hand over her mouth to stop herself from drooling. She looked at the man in front of her. The man who was said to have the public's favor, and most likely going to win the elections, that Edoardo DeFalco . That man, and __ Old man?

"Let me leave you guys now, I don't know where Love disappeared to." Duke said, and walked away in search of his Love.

"So Old man, you're looking rather okay tonight even though you didn't have Luna to pick out your suit." How was he talking to Edoardo DeFalco like he was talking to a regular, ordinary human being? Edoardo DeFalco is not ordinary. He is extraordinary, she was dying just staring at the man face to face, and here he was talking to the man like he was talking to his long time friend.

*PAW* Edoardo slaps him in the head. "You have no courtesy at all. You're standing here with a human being, and you cannot do a formal introduction?" Edoardo hissed.

"Ouch! I already told you about her. This is what Zeno is always talking about, learn to use your words old man, use your woooAhhhh!!" He yelped in pain, instantly turning his attention to her. "What? Why did you pinch me?" he inquired.

"You don't talk to the future president like that." she cautioned in a whisper.

"Aha! Finally, someone with sense." Edoardo exclaimed, taking the lady from Marco's side, and sitting her down next to him. At first she was shy and felt weird, old men only held her this close when they wanted one thing. But then the look on Marco's face told her it was alright, and somehow, she could sense that the man wanted nothing from her. And as they sat down talking, she soon loosened up, still shocked that she was actually talking to the number one potential president of their country, but comfortable enough to let out a laugh whenever the man made a joke.

At some point, Marco had left her with Edoardo, seeing that she had gotten a bit comfortable with the man, and he went around meeting business partners, having to respond to why Silvestri was not in a gathering like this one over and over again. While Edoardo had a fun time with Mea, talking about the weird way people walked, and the weird hairstyles they had on, and the funny dress some people had on. Just bad mouthing anybody who looked funny together.

She'd seen it on TV, but now she realized that the man was just as he was on television. Nice and funny, and very comfortable to be around.

"DeFalco " a voice sounded from somewhere, and she could hear him swear from underneath his breath.

"Here comes another one, walks like a dog, acts like a dog and is most definitely a dog. Stay closer my dear." He gently pulls Mea closer to himself, and she raises her head to see who it was that made the man act that way. And__

"Huh" it was a low frightened gasp. The sound barely came out of her quivering lips, her eyes dilated with horror and fear, her entire system trembled as the man came closer. Not once had she forgotten the face. Not once at all had she forgotten how she had begged, and cried, neither did she forget how merciless he was, how he beat her then, and forced her down to the bed. Not once had she forgotten the face of the man who raped her when she was just sixteen.

And God help her, she couldn't breath, trying to stick close to Edoardo, closer than the cloth on his back, at the same time hoping and praying that the man would not recognize her, all the while looking around with tears in her eyes, trying to find Marco.

Edoardo could feel her trembling beside him, and he felt like it was probably because of the dirty aura that the man carried. "Don't worry my dear, you're okay with me." He assures her in a whisper, holding onto her hand beside him.

"DeLuca, I didn't think you'd make it." Edoardo, clearly not hiding the fact that he had no intention of talking for long with the man.

"Ahh, but here I am." He sits himself down, even though he wasn't offered a seat. "I've been busy trying to fulfill the boss's wishes, so I decided to treat myself tonight." He says in a mocking whisper, then he notices the lady beside him.

"That's not the fiery lady DeFalco , who is this? Your mistress?" He blurts out.

Marco, where are you? Please come get me out of here. She prayed in her head as the man disgustingly eyed her from top to bottom. He obviously didn't recognize her. Well how could he? It's been years already.

Marco who was busy talking to a business partner on behalf of Zeno, turned his gaze slightly to look at her, and his brows narrowed down, a cringe formed at his forehead, as from where he stood, he could see her tremble, the color had drained from her face, he could see her clinging to Edoardo, as if she was holding on to him for her dear life.

"Excuse me for one second." He says and instantly walks towards where they were seated.

"DeLuca, it is never a pleasure meeting you, and your presence not only bothers me, but also my daughter here." Edoardo says as he rose to his feet, helping her up to her feet too, making sure to stress the word daughter as he spoke.

"OH no, please, did I say something wrong?"

"Is everything alright? Mea?" As soon as she heard his voice, it felt like a dam in her eyes just broke, her heart skipped with relief as she turned to face him. Gently, she releases herself from Edoardo, and crashes into his comforting arms.

"What is it, are you okay?"

"Let's go home, take me home please, I don't want to stay here any longer. I'm scared Marco, please take me home. I beg you please, please take me home." she looked up to him and begged in a choking whisper, whispers that only he could hear.

What could have scared her this much? He wondered, but then his eyes wandered, and fell upon the man, Lorenzo DeLuca, and his anger grew high. He knew very well that the man could be a pig.

"Marco, I was just telling DeLuca here that we were leaving. Take the young lady home. I think she's had enough partying for one night, and so have I."

"Mea, did…"

"Let's go, please. Please, I want to go home." she begged again, and he nodded, eyeing the man wickedly. He'd deal with the old pig later.

"Let's go home." He says, gently placing his hands on both her shoulders, quietly leading her out. With Edoardo following behind them, leaving the dirty old man there to enjoy the drinks.

"Idiots!" Lorenzo hissed. "I'll bring you down from your high horse soon, DeFalco . You and those idiots you cherish so much"