52. Marco's Home...

"Since you brought me to your house, today is the first time I've stepped out, so I might be wrong, but I don't think this is the right way back." She suddenly says as she realizes that they were taking a weird turn.

He takes one hand off the stirring wheel and places it on her own, flashing her an assuring smile and says "Yes it is. Don't worry, we're almost there." And just because he smiled, her teeth were out for the world to see.

If it was some weeks back, and she was in a car going to a place at night, she would be panicking on the inside, always wondering where she was being led to, and what awaited her there, but with him, with him it was different.

Everything with him had been different from the very beginning. And he'd taught her to know and feel peace. The past weeks with him, she could label as the best weeks of her life, so even if he was leading her straight into the gates of hell, she'd go with him. As long as he was the one taking her there, she'd be at peace.

After driving for a while, Marco brought the car to a halt, "Here we are." He announces, smiling big and broad at her, and she looks out the car window and… "this is not your house. Where are we?" She asks, innocently looking at him with her big eyes.

"My home." He states, stepping out of the car and moving over to her side, and helps her out too. And she stood in a huge mass of land, with illuminating lights, and at the center of the land was a fully lit up mansion.

"Welcome to my home, my love." He extended his hand to her, and at that moment she still stood there confused as to what in the world he was talking about, so he took a hold of her himself, and gently pulled her up the steps that led to the entrance to the mansion.

"Good evening Master Marco, Madam, " came the voice of the lady who opened the door, welcoming them in.

"Good evening Julia." He hugs the woman and kisses the side of her face. "You finally decide to visit your lonely quiet home." the lady says, at the same time curiously studying Mea.

"Yep, because I finally have someone I want to brag about." And the way he looked at the lady beside him was as if in her eyes laid all the love of the world. The old woman could see in a short moment that the man was head over heels already, and a warm smile crept up her lips.

"Mea, meet Julia. I know it'd seem weird to say this, but she's my nanny. Well, not like she's taking care of me now, but she was my nanny, or… whatever. Mea, Julia, and Julia meet Mea…"

"The woman you wish to brag about. I get it." the lady smiles, moving closer to Mea, who was still too confused to say anything. "Lovely." Julia compliments, gently caressing the lady's cheek. "Well then, since you're here, I leave the mansion in your care, if you're hungry, you know where to find food. I'll see you both in the morning." She says and steps out of the way for them.

"I think she likes you." Marco jests as soon as the door closes behind them. And only when the sound of the door being closed reached her ear did she finally snap out of her head.

"Marco, this is your…"

"This is my home." He interrupts her.

"Then what… where…"

"Oh that, that was just my apartment in my building. I own the building, so I turned one apartment mine because it's closer to work. And because this place is huge. It's too huge, and it's just me and Julie, and the house-keepers who take care of the place, so it gets really lonely." He confesses.

First, she was shocked. Shocked at this sudden revelation, after that, she became amazed, wondering how someone so young could own such a place, and even own an entire building with over two-hundred rooms.

But then she felt sorry, when she thought of him being lonely. He didn't deserve to be lonely. Why would such a lovely person be lonely? But then another emotion flowed through her system. Sadness, and a diminishing feeling. She wasn't good enough for him.

Seeing how her face had dropped in a certain slow pace, he moved in front of her, placing a finger under her chin, lifting her head up to meet his assuring, amorous gaze. "What is it?" he asks. "Tell me"

"I'm not good enough for you." She blurts out, refusing to stare back into his soul-reaching gaze. "You're so well off, a million times better than me, you're way beyond my standard, how can someone like me have feelings for you? I'm just a…"

"Girl who has managed to wrap her palm around my heart and head." He interrupts her self-diminutive speech. "A girl who not only makes me wonder, but also makes me dream of getting back home on time." He leaned in closer to her, bending his head, trying to look into her eyes as he spoke, but she just kept on turning away, and he kept on pursuing her with his lingering gaze.

"A girl who still doesn't seem to know how much she is worth. A girl who seems to be able to control my every expression ever since she showed up. A girl who I've only known for almost a month, but it feels like ages because I'm falling deeper and deeper in love with her." Now he could see her eyes, could see the scared doubt in them, and also the huge hope that stayed there too, and he smiled.

"I am falling in love with you Mea, I've been falling since I met you. I keep falling with every passing minute." The way her eyes twinkled with tears in them made him want to kiss her eyes and suck all the tears away. "And I hate it when you look down on yourself. You're bigger than you make yourself to be. And lastly," he cups her face with both his hands, and inches in a bit closer, the tip of their noses touching, his forehead pressed upon hers, and she could feel his hot breath fanning right above her lips as he spoke.

"Lastly, this girl is the one I want to make love to... Tenderly."