63. Hit on Frankie...

"What the f*ck are you doing huh? Hurry the f*ck up and put my money in the f*cking bag." Frankie ordered his men, he had received a tip that the boss was on his way there, so he had his men move his drug cash, and also gather all the girls and was moving them in vans to different locations.

"I swear to everything sacred that if that idiot gets here before you move my girls, I will f*cking ruin you, I will destroy every f*cking single one of you and then I'll take your f*cking sisters and mothers and daughters, and I'll auction them instead… So hurry the f*ck up!!" He yelled.

He could just escape on his own, and leave the rest to them, if only his men were capable, but knowing them, they'll probably just do everything sluggishly, waste time, and then hand everything over to the Boss. They were that stupid, so he had to be here and monitor the movement of his money and the girls.

"Move your f*cking legs you stupid girl!!" He viciously slaps one girl, causing her to crash onto the ground, only to be yanked up again by him and shoved towards the other girls that were being loaded into the van like canned tuna.

*BANG*BANG*BANG* The loud sound of gunshots made everyone panic, the girls were pushed and hauled into the vans, men running around with guns and machetes, the girls screaming with fear, and also hope, hope that whoever was here had come for them… "Move, Move , you witches, move your filthy bodies."

"Boss!!" a man yelled, and Frankie turned around in time to dodge the knife that came flying out of nowhere. He turns and sights the man who had thrown the knife, and accurately guns him down…

"Romeo, start the f*cking car and bring it around!" He yells, quickly tossing some ammos into a bag, and some extra cash that laid on the table.

"Frankie!!" He heard that terrifying voice call out his name, from a distance, he could see the man oozing with a murderous aura as always, his men beside him, shooting his way to where he stood shivering with fear.

"Shoot that f*cking man down! Useless!!" He yelled, bullets blazing at every corner of the harbor, bodies dropping down like dry leaves from a tree, and with every body that touched the ground, he got closer to him…

"Boss… get in!" Romeo calls out, and he instantly jumps into the car… "Get out!" He shouts, harshly shoving the man out of the vehicle and into the battlefield.

"Boss!" Romeo cried out with disbelief, holding onto the car door with all his might… "Stay and fight!" Frankie yelled, and violently kicked the man in the face, causing the man to face and turn over while he drove off in a haste.

Zeno, seeing that the man was escaping, turned to the man who stood beside him and stretched out his hand, and the man placed a sniper in it.

Slowly, very slowly, he set the sniper on the jeep that he came in on, looking through the optic, the stock of the rifle pressed into his shoulder… watching as the man drove off in full speed, allowing him the privilege of going a bit further, giving the man the hope of thinking he was escaping, and when the car was almost out of sight…

*BANG* he let the bullet fly through the air, straight and pointed, tearing through the glass windows of a car that stood in the way, and then… *BOOM* a precise hit on the fuel tank, and it was a firework-like explosion.

"Clean up the place and send the girls back to wherever they came from." He simply said and turned to enter his car back.

"What should we do with the rest of his men Boss?" the man asks.

Zeno looks from the man who asked the question to the men who laid injured on the ground… "They look tired, end their misery," he simply says and drives off.

And all that was heard next in the harbor was the menacing sounds of bullets leaving the muzzle of the gun and ending in the head of Frankie's men.


"What are we going to do about the two of them, it's been weeks since the incident, and there's still no changes between them," Edoardo sighed, he had called Marco to the house that morning so they could discuss this, things weren't just the same with both of them being indifferent about the other.

"How is Luna?" Marco asks.

"I heard an expression once on TV, they said heartbreak should be measured on a scale of one to Adele. So if I'm using that expression, then, on a scale of one to Adele, Luna is probably at Adele. Literally, all she does is set fire to the rain all day long inside her room," Edoardo sighs.

"She still hasn't come out of her room?" Marco asks again, and Edoardo just shakes his head indicating a No.

"Zeno isn't in his best self either. He's gotten more irritable than before, he's fired almost everyone that works in the mansion. At the company too, he's made it his priority to render at least two persons jobless every day. He hardly sleeps, all he does besides work is drinking, and trust me when I say it's become even worse than before. Even I can't stand his tantrums." Marco complains.

"What are we going to do then? I can't just sit back and watch two of my children waste their lives like this…" Edoardo enquires, he just had no idea what to do anymore.

Luna at home refused to talk to him or anyone else, Zeno was angry at him and avoided him every single time. The man was just frustrated at this point.

"How can we end this madness between them both? Even if they can't be like… you know… a couple, at least how can we help them make up and become like they were before?"

"We provoke them," Nanny Maria's voice sounded from behind both men, and their heads turned, and slowly she walked over to them. "Since they are both strong-headed, and stubborn, and yet heartbroken and confused at the moment, we could stir them up. We'll use their emotions and provoke them both…"