66. Old men gossip...

Love and Duke corporations…

Liam Duke and his wife Lovett Duke had just opened another child foundation, and were the host of the occasion that evening, and as expected, the high and mighty of the society were invited.

It was an occasion to show appreciation to partners who had made the foundation a success, and also another means to do more business, and make more partners.

"Mr. Duke," Philip Grand, like his surname, was looking rather grand that night in his navy blue suit, fine white hand made shoes that seemed to call attention to itself.

He had a broad smile on his face as he walked up to Duke, that was until he realized who was standing next to the man, dressed in a matching navy blue suit, and white shoes too. ``Annoying…

"Carbone," he manages to get a greeting out amidst clenched teeth. And the man Jacob Carbone clearly didn't look pleasant to see Philip, or at the fact that they both seem to use the same fashion stylist.

"Grand," Jacob gives a light acknowledging nod, "it's always a pleasure to run into you in places like this," he says, but his eyes were saying a different thing entirely. Then he turns back to Duke as looking at the man in those clothes made him feel really vexed.

"Mr. Grand, I'm glad you could make it" Liam Duke finally says, he at first wanted to comment on their matching outfits, but decided not to when he saw the lasers beaming from the eyes of both men.

"OH, I wasn't going to miss it." Philip chortles half-heartedly, still eyeing Jacob from the corners of his eyes.

"Mr. Duke, your wife needs your attention for some minutes" A man walks up to them and says. "Well gentlemen, when the wife calls, the husband runs, I'll see you both around," he extends his hand, and Philip quickly grabs onto his hand just so Jacob wouldn't beat him to it. And Jacob just rolls his eyes, wondering how childish such a grown up could actually be…

Left standing next to each other, both men eye themselves endlessly like they wished to rip the clothes off each other's back.

"I was told this was one of a kind" Jacob finally says.

"I was told the exact same thing." Philip says.

"I'm glad I was wise enough to refuse it when I was offered the same thing." A voice suddenly sounds behind them, and they turn around to find Gregor Martini standing right next to them.

"What is this? Meeting of The Hoard?" Philip huffed, "Maybe," Jacob added with a hiss as Gregor inched closer to them.

"But the Hoard isn't complete without your cousin, is it?" mockingly, he scoffed at Jacob who threw him a death glare. "What? I'm sure the news already got to you, that the boss personally raided Frankie's hideout, and we all know that when the boss personally leads a raid, no one comes out alive…" he chortled.

"Why are you telling me this? He got what he deserved, I've never been on good terms with that cousin of mine, and now I'm so grateful to the boss for this, because finally I can take away the hotels that that stupid old man gave to him." Jacob shrugs.

He cared not about the well-being of his cousin, he never did, and he wasn't going to start now. All that mattered to him was money, and the casinos under Frankie's name were worth millions.

"Tsk_tsk_tsk, I heard he was roasted to death. His body hasn't even turned to ashes completely yet, and you're already scheming on how to siphon his properties… tsk tsk tsk" Philip hissed, but then he spotted someone walking past them with much grace and finesse, but didn't even look like she knew them, and coming behind her was Abraham Greco…

"Look, Look, Look…" He nods his head, calling the others attention to her, "That fastidious little brat, she always acts like she's so high and mighty, no respect whatsoever for people."

Anna Marie who cared less about their opinions just tosses some stands of her long red hair over her shoulder and moves on, while Abraham Greco as the taciturn that he was just…"Tsk_tsk_tsk, you already lost the elections before it even started" he slowly says and walked away too, leaving Philip Grand fuming and fussing.

"Seems like we're all here, but Lorenzo, Matteo, and Enzo,"

"That Enzo kid will definitely show up, Anna Marie is already here, and as rumor goes, when you see Anna Marie, you'll find her love struck puppy lurking. And Matteo? You think that stingy old man will leave his casinos just because of a party? Even if he comes here, all he'll do is complain about his useless nephew till morning comes, and for Lorenzo, his backup already got fried, I'll be expecting to see his own obituary soon, so what is the need of coming to an occasion like this?…" Gregor scoffs, but then Jacob taps him on the shoulder, and points towards the entrance__

"You were saying?" Jacob gives him a slight mocking nudge on the shoulder. "Looks like your old man isn't ready for an obituary yet." He scoffs as they see Lorenzo walk in in a brown suit, and an expensive looking walking stick, that sinister look on his face as always. And he walks past them, menacingly eyeing them all. "Grouchy old man," Gregor hisses.

As the minutes rolled by, more and more of the affluent and powerful rolled into the place, everyone looking uniquely desirable, not holding back to show off their wealth and positions in society.

At some point, Enzo Baron had walked in, and as proper of him in any occasion he attended, he greeted the host of the occasion, and instantly went in search for Anna Marie like a lost pup looking for its mother.

When Zeno walked in, all eyes turned.

Yes, him being the Mafia boss was a secret, but even without the title of Mafia boss, he was a domineering entity.

Working with Zeno Silvestri was almost equivalent to working with a god, your business was bound to be successful. But he wasn't the approachable kind, just going to him with a project that you're not sure about could get you out of business forever, also going to him with a project that he personally doesn't see as being worth it could get you in trouble too.

He was that kind of person in the business world. Revered and honored, but also feared... He was a perfect businessman.

But tonight... Tonight he was just a man who wished the night would go by as quickly as possible.