72. Do these things to Luna...

"Piccola…" He muttered as he thrust his long and hard member into her again. Her hands and knees on the ground like he had ordered her to, legs spread wide open for him, but she could barely stay in that position.

If he did it on a bed, she could have something to hold onto, but now she could barely stand, her knees were wobbly, this was the second round, the first she was asked to place her hands on the wall, and spread her legs wide, and she did, thrilled that it was really happening.

But now she was wondering what kind of trouble she got herself into. The man was a horny beast. He'd brought her to climax, but for reason he hadn't, so he changed positions, and when she had told him that her legs were giving out, he reminded her that it was her choice to come here with him tonight, so she quietly bends over again, this time on all fours, while he knelt down behind her thrusting real hard and fast like an engine.

She couldn't even complain about anything even if she wanted to, because one, he was intimidating to talk too, and two, the sex was too mind-blowing to let anything but gasps and lewd moans escape her lips.

He was good. Really good. And though he wasn't a great lover like she had expected, for he barely touched her, she could say the only part of him that touched her was his hips, and his member impaling her core, he was just a great… sexer. That was the word, a great sexer.

"Ahww, be gentle… awwn…" she cried out, her breasts slapping upon her chests over and over again as he thrust back and forth in and out of her core without mercy. For he was drunk, and he could care less of being gentle or harsh at this moment, all he could think of was easing himself, and she was just a tool to accomplish that mission.

And maybe tonight he was mad, maybe tonight he drank a bit higher than usual, but he could think of no one else but his pretty little "Luna," over and over again, he said her name while he sexed another. Starting out as a harmless whisper at first, but then slowly growing louder, till he chanted nothing more but her name.

He was out of his mind, thinking of doing these lewd things with someone he regarded as his little sister. He was definitely mad.

This was supposed to help him tonight, to help him get her out of his head, and yet it only intensified his want for her. As he sexed the woman, he could only imagine doing these things to his Luna, he could only picture her and her alone in his head. If anything, he should be thinking of Dan-a, and not Luna, but it was her. His little devil. She was the only thing that filled his head.

The thoughts of doing these things to Luna was the only thing that filled his heart.

"Ahh__Pi_cco_la," he shuddered as he finally got that tremoring release. Pulling out of the lady, finally letting her fall to the ground and rest, and he laid there too. Looking up to the ceiling like he always did after such exercise.

"I've gone mad." He mutters to himself, for normally, when he laid down like this, all he would and could see in the ceiling was and would be Dan-a, it was like her image was always projected on the ceiling.

But tonight, tonight it was her picture that played on the ceiling, his Piccola. The very picture of how she looked tonight. Pictures of her walking, of her dancing, but her partner was switched, it was him next to her, holding her and dancing with her, of them laughing together. She did look thinner, but damn she was beautiful, her smile was still bright and lovely. He was indeed losing his mind. He was mad.

Suddenly, he felt arms wrapping around him, and the anger inside of him was ignited. "Get up!" He deadpans, abruptly lifting himself up from the ground and waltzing towards the mini bar, taking out a bottle of wine and drinking straight from the bottle again.

With the bottle in his hand, he strolls to a little shelf at one corner of the room, opens a drawer and brings out two bundles of cash.

"Take these, get up and get out." Joanna's eyes flew wide open with disgust as he tossed the money to the ground in front of her. She was dumbstruck. Just saying she couldn't believe her eyes would be too small to describe her current expression. She could not believe that after such mind-blowing sex, he wants to toss her away just like that???

"I'm not an ordinary prostitute that you would just toss money at."

"Oh, so you're an extraordinary prostitute… that's a first." He scoffs menacingly, lifting himself off the ground and sitting on top of the counter. The show was just getting worse and worse for the lady.

"I don't believe this, you make love to me and then you want to toss me out just like that??" she was raising her voice, and he didn't like it. He didn't like the sound of her voice at all. It was like scratching your fingernails on a chalk board. It was ear-irking.

"You clearly are dumb. I had sex with you, I used you as a means to satisfy myself. Even though you weren't satisfying enough. You are just a sex toy to me. There was no love. Do not delude yourself. Now get up and get out while I'm still sounding nice." He warns. He didn't mind throwing her out completely naked, so it was in her own interest that she dressed up and walked out on her own. He raised the bottle to his lips again….

"I'll tell the world you raped me…" The liquid was yet to touch his tongue when she spoke, the blue in his eyes had darkened very quickly.

The entire aura around the room had transformed to something wicked, and now she wondered if saying that was the wise thing to do, but she wasn't going to back down… Her pride and ego won't let her.

"I'll t_tell the world that Zeno Silvestri is a rapist. And he raped me." she continued. Her body shivering as he slowly but intimidatingly covered the distance between them.

"Again…" He seethed, daring her to say those words again now that he stood looking down at her, both of them completely naked. "Get out!" the patience in his voice had disappeared at this point, all that remained was disgust. And she opened her mouth to say something back to him, to give back a certain word, to tell him that she wasn't one to back down from a fight, and that if she made up her mind to ruin something, she would most certainly do it…

But nothing… nothing at all came out of her lips. She shook with fear just standing next to him…

"NOW!" He roared, and she staggers back in fear, trying her best to stop herself from falling to the ground with fear, trying her best to hold onto her pride as she picked up her stuff, and he still stood there, hands akimbo, clearly not wanting her in his apartment for a minute longer, he watched her put on her clothes, and he just couldn't wait for her to wear every single thing, so he takes a step closer to her and yanks her arm and drags her to the door, shoving her out of the apartment, tossing the rest of her belongings after her, and when there was nothing left of her property inside his apartment, he slams the door in her face.

"bastard," She cursed and hissed as she looked around, hoping and praying no one sees her in this embarrassing condition. "I'll show you… You'll regret treating me like this."