76. The visit...

*Knock*Knock*Knock… "Coming__" joanna answered as she heard the knock on the door to her apartment, looking at the comments to the videos she posted and laughing like a maniac at the hate that was being showered on Zeno.

"That's what he deserves… I'll destroy what I can't have__ I said I'm coming." She yelled as the knock came again, and this time she stands up and walks over and opens the door.

"Rape, huh?" The lady's eyes and mouth flew wide open, and she instantly tries to slam the door close, but hits Luna's leg instead… "that hurts." she hisses and yanks the door open, letting herself inside, locking the door behind her.

"W_W_What do you want? Get out if my house." Joanna yapped, trying to act tough and brave, but then Luna burst into laughter, like those witches in cartoons.

There was always something about this Luna DeFalco that creeped her out, maybe it was that she always wore black, or that she never associated with other girls like her, but something was creepy about the lady.

"House?? Is this what you call a house? This miniature container?" She laughs even harder, taking closer steps to the lady who kept backing away from her.

"I'm recording this right now," she holds her phone up in front of her like a shield… "so if you don't want to get into trouble, get the hell out of my house right… Ahh!" She cried out as Luna nicely kicked the phone out of her trembling hands.

"That's what you used in recording your sex scene with Zee right??"

"S_S__Stay away from me." the lady cried, as Luna walked closer to her.

"You live in such a shabby place, you are just a nobody, and yet you had the nerve, the audacity to try and frame my Zeno?" *PAW* a full fist landed on Joanna's stomach, causing the lady to crouch down in pain, as it felt like everything she had eaten previously was about to come out of her mouth, but then suddenly she laughed, startling Luna for a minute.

"Did you just say ``My Zeno? Hahaha haa…" she laughed even harder, still holding on to her hurting stomach. "Don't be a comedian, he made love to ME… not you. He's not yours. You think he's yours, but he doesn't want you. I've heard that you're like a little sister to him, so stop trying to make it seem like you both have something together… I was the one in his arms last night, NOT YOU!"

When she watched the video, it didn't hurt, it didn't hurt at all, but hearing it from this vicious woman touched something inside of Luna, and it almost made her cry… That was until she heard it again in her head…``Piccola. He didn't think of her as a sister. She knew that now. He had sex with another woman, Yes, but since he didn't have any commitments to her, she was not going to make it hurt her. She wasn't going to let the words of this slut hurt her.

"Foolish girl… He isn't mine, Yes." She deadpans, a psychopathic smile forming on her lips. "He isn't my sex partner... At least not yet, but he has always been mine… mine. He used you as a jerk off, he didn't make love to you," She bends down to the ladies level, leaning in closer to her, striking nothing but fear in the heart of the woman. "He does not treat me like a little sister, he treats me like a goddess." She places a hand on Joanna's head, stroking her hair like a child.

"You say he doesn't want me, but he didn't stop calling for me while he toyed with you…" She suddenly yanks her hair backwards, causing the woman to shriek in pain.

"So now you tell me, how does it feel to have sex with someone who calls for another over and over and over again." *PAOW* she punches her in the stomach again, causing her to fold and curl in pain.

"Let me tell you something…" Luna says, standing up from where she crouched next to Joanna, and walking over to where Joanna's phone laid, and she stomps on it, till it was broken and irrecoverable.

"You made five mistakes, and I'll tell you…" she takes off her leather jacket, and pulls out a pair of black leather gloves from her back pocket.

``Why are you taking off your jacket? Joanna wanted to ask, but her stomach hurt, she tried standing up, but sat back down with her hands holding her stomach like it was about to fall.

"Mistake number one__ You dreamt of sleeping with Zeno Silvestri." She slips on the gloves. "Two__ you approached Zeno Silvestri and caused him to leave my side last night." she buttons the gloves at her wrists. "Three__ You actually had sex with Zeno Silvestri." She takes a black rubber band from her wrists and ties up her hair. "Four__ You dared to frame Zeno Silvestri. And lastly__ lastly you made me see that video, and now it's glued to my brain, I can't get his naked body out of my head because of you. So…" She moves over to Joanna again, and lifts her up to her feet.

And with that weird killer smile on her face she says…"So I'm going to beat you till I either stop seeing those perfectly structured butt of his, or till you pass out, and don't try faking it, I know when a person is really knocked out."


Sitting in a room, her legs and hands tied up. She had no idea where she was, or how she got there. All she remembered was walking out of the bookstore, and walking towards the cab that brought her there, and then… then… then she woke up here in this empty room all tied up. "Where am I?" she had no clue, all she could hear was the distant rumbling sound of a train. Nothing else.

"Do you have her?" She hears a voice sound from behind the door, and she instantly lays back down and pretends to be asleep as the door opens, and she hears footsteps. It wasn't just one person. They were two of them, she could tell.

"So this is the wench he beat me up for… Mea, he said her name was Mea, he said it over and over again as he flogged my like an animal." Mea's heart skipped with fear, she recognized that horrifying voice, she did not need to see to know who it was, she tried not to tremble, but the memories came flooding back again. Those hideous memories. It was him, it was Lorenzo DeLuca.

"What about the girl I asked for? I don't care about your personal problem, I asked you to f*cking get her" the other person says.

"Don't worry, my boys are on it as we speak. Luna DeFalco will be with us pretty soon Frankie, so calm down."

"Don't f*cking tell me to calm down!! Look at my f*cking face… I look like a f*ching roasted turkey… That bastard burnt my f*cking face!!!" Frankie yelled, his entire face wrapped with bandage, his entire left side was bruised and covered with burns.

"At least you didn't get your main instrument burnt. Mine got burnt off because of this useless wench here…"

"We'll destroy them both… And we'll use what they care about. Let's crush them, Marco Marchetti and Zeno Silvestri… We'll crush them both."

She was scared, "Oh no, Marco…"