83. That's my girl...

Mea could only look on with admiration and respect for the woman. She couldn't imagine herself in such a bashed up state and still have the strength to stand on her two feet. Yes, she'd taken beatings, lots of them, but never was she in such a wretched state.

Even a punch to the stomach would leave her grounded for a long time. More or less this… Luna DeFalco was not just a woman, she was a living and breathing wonder woman.

Luna walks over to the window, cautious to not be spotted by anyone. "Why is it always storeys? What is wrong with a nice ground level room?" She complains as she could now see that they were on the third floor of an abandoned building. She spots some cars over the fence of the building, and that was it… their means of escape.

Then she looked around, she could see some men and women walking back and forth, taking rounds and walking up and down and guarding the place. She could see where Lorenzo and Frankie sat, Frankie seemed to be having his bandage changed. "Twenty visible people with guns." she mutters to herself… she had seen and counted twenty in and out of the fence. There were definitely some others somewhere else. But for now, she just memorizes the places where the twenty were situated in her head first.

"Now, here's the plan, we make it past all these people, and across the fence, we get in a car and zoom off. Is that clear?" Mea nods enthusiastically.

"Now, we have no guns here, so we'll have to seize two of them first and get their guns."

"What are we gonna do with the guns?" Mea asks, and Luna's mouth literally fell open. What else are guns used for? Making soup?

"Please tell me you know how to use a gun?" Luna asks, but the expression on Mea's face clearly said otherwise. "Okay, at least tell me you can fight…" Luna says, expecting something at least, but to her dismay, nothing. "Knives__ can you throw knives?" It was another no.

Luna's hands flew over her face, trying to muffle a scream. "this is gonna be harder than I thought."

"It's a ten minute walk from here. Let's stop the car here and walk the rest of the way. We don't wanna risk putting them in danger." Zeno explains their plan.

"I'll send the drone." Marco says, releasing two small drones the size of a phone as Zeno preps and sets up his rifles and bullets, and every other weapon he felt was needed.

Looking through the laptop screen connected to the drones, he could see where the guards were situated. "That's five guards on the west side, two on the other side." He explains, and Zeno listens carefully. "Then there's four guards on every storey, it's a three storey building."

"Why is it always storeys? What is wrong with a simple ground level room?" Zeno hisses.

"I can see Lorenzo, and Frankie. I think he's getting a bandage change… You both just wait, I'm going to kill you so much."

"What does that even mean?" Zeno mutters.

"OH!! I found them." He says and Zeno quickly dives in closer to the screen, and Lords! She was hurt, so hurt. He could see her trying to suppress the pain in her left leg as she walked "I think they're trying to escape," Marco says.

"That's my girl." Zeno smiles. "Ohh!" They both yelped as Luna nicely kicked one guard from behind, right in his special place, and before he could even turn, she landed another sharp kick on his head, knocking him out, and Mea helped her drag the body into an empty room. "She is so smart… and sexy"


"What?" Zeno asks back innocently.

"You just said something… What did you say?"

"I said let's go in and get the girls. I'll go in front, you go through the back." He pats him on the shoulder all set and ready to rumble. And Marco packs some stuff too, still looking at Zeno suspiciously, but they had a matter to deal with first. "Ready?"

And Marco cocks his rifle "Let's unleash hell"


Take this…" Luna takes away all the weapons from the grounded man, and hands the pistol to Mea, and takes the rifle for herself. "Now look carefully, to shoot, all you have to do is pull the trigger. That's all. Pull the trigger at anyone who isn't me or you yourself. The safety is already off, so just shoot…" Luna explains, and Mea lifts the gun and pulls the trigger… "Not now!!" Luna quickly stops her from shooting.

"I can't believe I'm teaching Marco's girl how to shoot. Shouldn't he have done this already? He's in the Mafia for heaven's sake" she hisses and rains some curses on Marco.

"I didn't even know he was in the Mafia till today." Mea shrugs. She seemed rather okay with the fact too.

"Anyways, If in case you run out of mag, just push this, and the useless one will fall out, and you can replace it with a new mag, do you understand me?" It was like teaching a baby how to hold a pencil right. It was close to impossible, but it wasn't like they had any other option.

She hands the extra mag to Mea, and the lady fumbles with it, so Luna just yanks it out of her hand and tucks it into the band of her jeans.

"Alright, let's go." Luna says. "Now remember, there's only two rules as we go out there. One, do not kill me. Two, do not kill yourself or get yourself killed. Are we clear??"

"Super clear!" Mea breathes, her hands shaking as she holds the gun really close to her chest, pointing it at the door, her back bent in a rather funny pose.

Luna shakes her head worriedly… "We're gonna die."



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