91. Moving in...

Tomorrow soon came, and before he even got to the DeFalco Mansion, Dr. Alfonso was there already. And as per his previous words, he didn't let Zeno anywhere near Luna. Defeated, he went back and decided to come the next day. But it was almost like the heavens were against him.

Dr. Alfonso never left Luna's side.

It went on and on, day after day he would call her, trying to talk to her, but she never picked his calls, and when he called her with a different number, she'd pick, but the instant she heard his voice, she'd turn off the phone.

This little devil of his was being a real witch. And it was killing him. Back and forth, back and forth, soon a week passed, and she could no longer hide under the wings of Alfonso, for almost all her bandages had been removed, she was almost a hundred percent.

He'd come to visit her, and as soon as he came, she was either going shopping, or going to a business meeting, the kind she never attended before, or was locked up in her study doing only God knows what. She was practically a busy bee, never giving him time to even say hi.

Then one evening…

"What is going on? Why are you all running up and down like a room is on fire?" Luna asks as the sudden ruckus in the house brought her out of her room.

"Miss, it's Master, he says he's coming over tonight." A maid quickly say. "Who? Zeno?" she wonders, and the lady nods a yes. "Then why are you all running around like rats? It's not something new." she asked puzzled. Since that incident with Frankie and Lorenzo, he made it his duty to annoy her with his presence almost every single day, so why was today different? Why were they all acting hyper?.

" No, it's not like his usual visit. Nanny Maria is specifically preparing his room. She said he says his moving back in tonight.!"

"WHAT???" Luna yelled, that was not possible, if he moved in, it would take all her energy and inner power to restrain herself, to stop herself from pouncing on him and kissing him. She would surely give in. That was why she'd been avoiding him. If she gave him the chance to say a single word, then she most definitely would have ran into his arms easily.

But she didn't want it to be that easy. She pursued him since she was five, she wanted to make him work long and hard at least quarter the amount of years she had loved him. And besides, he just told her some minor things. He didn't say how he felt about her. He didn't say he liked or loved her. She didn't want to make it so easy for him.

But moving back into their mansion, than it was as good as over, all her strong-headiness, and her huffing and puffing, she was not sure she could keep up with the act if he was around her twenty-four seven.

"Nanny Maria!!!" She yelled, almost pulling the roof down as she did.

"Luna, I know I'm old, but I'm not so old that I can't hear you." Maria says as she sets up the bed in Zeno's old room that was adjacent to Luna's, that when she opened her own room door and looked in forward, his door would be the first thing she sees.

"What are you doing? Why are you arranging Zeno's room?" She asks. "Well Zeno called and told me that he was moving in, so I have to arrange the place."

"But why? Why is he moving in? He has his own mansion, it's as big as this one, so why is he moving in?" She asks swinging her hands up and down like a naughty kid.

"Well Luna, why don't you ask him yourself? He'll be here in less than thirty, so if you're not gonna help set up his room, would you do me a favor and step out." Maria shoos her like a chicken, fuming and swelling, she runs over to her father next.

"Papa, Papa!!" She calls as she bursts into his study. "Papa, did you hear? Zeno is coming over? He's moving back in?"

He knew this was going to happen, it'll be a mad house again with the two of them in the house, it meant his peaceful days were over. Zeno wasn't even here yet, and his troubles had already began.

"I know, Luna I know, he told me." He sighs deeply, waiting for her response, he could see her fuming, could see her entire body rising and falling like the stock market.

"Papa!!! Why would you agree to that? Why would he move back in? He has his own place to stay!" She didn't want this, she didn't want this at all.

"Well Luna, it's not like I can stop him from coming here. It's his home too. What was I supposed to do when he decided to come back home?" the man says frustratedly. He had told Zeno that this would cause a tug of war in his house, but Zeno, as stubborn as this young lady refused to back down, saying if she wasn't going to give him a chance to talk, then she'd have to deal with his presence.

Most times, Edoardo couldn't help but think that they were actually bad for each other. Both of them were way more stubborn than the other, no one was ready to give in for the other. This was exactly what people call a toxic relationship. They'd burn themselves to the ground if they stay together for too long. And yet, he knew they could be the sweetest of friends when they wanted to be. They had a very weird relationship, these children of his.

"I can't believe this! I'm not even safe in my own house. Everyone's ganging up on me!" She yells, and runs back into her room.

"Inner peace, Inner peace, Inner peace." the chants a mantra from the cartoon Kungfu Panda. "All you have to do is avoid him as you've been doing. You don't have to see him everyday. He'll leave for work too. So it's fine. You can do this." She tells herself, "He's not gonna get to me." she hissed, sitting on her bed, legs crossed, and she didn't even realize she was waiting, waiting to here his car pull up into the compound, to here his voice resonate inside the building…, and it did.